Consumer Critique Inc

Hello to all. I have just joined after looking for a scam report on the company in the subject box, and, your forum came up on my google search. The other day I got this email about mystery shopping assignments. !!! I SMELL A SCAM !!! Are my instincts in good working order? Read below...


You have been selected for an survey as a Secret Shopper for Consumer Critique Inc.We are a Texas Based company which has been in the business for about 21 years.You will be earning $300 as a secret shopper for on each survey you carry out.Your employment packet will include funds for the shopping and a training survey which will be sent to you after you receive payment for the survey via email.

You will be Evaluating any Wal-mart store or Target store outlet in your City,you will be receiving a United states certified Postal Money Order for the evaluation of the survey,you will get the United states certified Postal Money Order cash at your Bank and then go ahead with any Wal-mart or Target shopping. The money order you received covers all expenditures including evaluation, shopping , transport and your compensation (salary=$300 Per survey and you get 2 or More surveys Weekly ) for these surveys.

You are to purchase Goods of your own Choice for your own Use not more than $20, at any Wal-mart store or Target store close to you and also you will be using Western Union services to send the remaining balance of the funds sent to you to another secret shopper to carry out her own survey.

Get back with the below details if interested;

Full Name:
Full Addresstongue sticking out smileyHYSICAL MAILING ADDRESS NOT P.O.BOX
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Mobile Number:
Email Address:

As a secret shopper you work and shop together for pleasure and the pay is $300 per assignment on a Part time basis , You only work 3-4hours twice in a week.

Do get back to the recruiting department of secret Shopper Inc.


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Yes it is an evil scam. One that likes to use our company name, sometimes our website, and thankfully has ceased using my personal name. Good call!

Emma A. Valdivieso
Payables/Receivables Manager
Phone: 888-300-8292 extension 209
MY Hours: 8:00am – 5:00pm (PST)

Mailing Address:
Business Evaluation Services
PO Box 507
Arroyo Grande, CA. 93421

Hello Everyone!
I am new to this forum and new to mystery shopping. I am eager to begin but not sure where.

However, I received the following email, also from consumer critique. It sounds, looks and smells like a scam! It seems they are coming from all over. I also noticed toe reference to Mystery Shopper AND Consumer Critique! I did not see that until I found this forum! Also through google search - and I am so glad I found it!


You have been selected for an survey as a Secret Shopper for Consumer Critique Inc.We are a Texas Based company which has been in the business for about 21 years.You will be earning $300 as a secret shopper for on each survey you carry out.Your employment packet will include funds for the shopping and a training survey which will be sent to you after you receive payment for the survey via email.

You will be Evaluating any Wal-mart store or Target store outlet in your City,you will be receiving a United states certified Postal Money Order for the evaluation of the survey,you will get the United states certified Postal Money Order cash at your Bank and then go ahead with any Wal-mart or Target shopping. The money order you received covers all expenditures including evaluation, shopping , transport and your compensation (salary=$300 Per survey and you get 2 or More surveys Weekly ) for these surveys.

You are to purchase Goods of your own Choice for your own Use not more than $20, at any Wal-mart store or Target store close to you and also you will be using Western Union services to send the remaining balance of the funds sent to you to another secret shopper to carry out her own survey.

Get back with the below details if interested;

Full Name:
Full Addresstongue sticking out smileyHYSICAL MAILING ADDRESS NOT P.O.BOX
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Mobile Number:
Email Address:

As a secret shopper you work and shop together for pleasure and the pay is $300 per assignment on a Part time basis , You only work 3-4hours twice in a week.

Do get back to the recruiting department of secret Shopper Inc.


Thank you all for you great comments! You certainly helped me!
Please do yourself a favor, search this forum for legitimate companies, and sign up with them. If something smells like a scam...stay away!!
I haven't did anything like that for Consumer Critique;however I have ran into several other scams that's very similar and I did not bother to look into them;because it just did not sound legit to me.
Welcome to Timgaynor!

Also, thank you Austinmom, Emma, peachgirl and 1ladyonly for the great advice!
Thank you all for your replies. It would without doubt seem that my original thoughts on this being a scam were completely true. Where they got my email address from I just don't know. But the grammar used in the email aroused my suspision. Ta very much. Tim
Maybe it should be turned over to Western Union so they can see the new game or is the FBI investigating these?

Should be turned over to some authority.

Can you imagine the people who fall for that - people who aren't mystery shoppers - cash the check and you're out that money in your bank account while the sender gets richer.
These scams are all worded the same way. They are looking for your info for identity theft or to sell. You can try to report, if you want. There are so many , I doubt that any agency has time to investigate. We have to be our own Policing group. Use the spam key and do not think twice. Waste of time to even open these.
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