Anyone ever do the Lifestyle Lift?

Sandy, the other mother was having a fit as she found out before me. I was standing in the hall waiting for his newborn photos and I had NO idea. She looked at me, cussed, threw her hands up in the air and ran back into the room. I didn't think I was the cause of it all but her behavior was such that you'd think *I* gave her my baby to nurse. Idiot.

So when I found out, my first thought was to go talk to the other mom about what happened, rationally. However, I knew that with the way she was acting, she'd say something stupid and being as upset over what she did, I would've jumped on her and starting beating her senseless (seriously, I can get feisty). Since I'd had a C-section and I didn't want to have to nurse a baby in jail, I stayed put but after everything that happened, I really wish I would've confronted her. She is partly to blame, as I ALWAYS checked I got the right baby. Partly because when my oldest was born 19 years ago (last baby was a BIG surprise), that's when all that went down in Florida with the girls that were switched at the hospital but one had died and the parents were fighting for the other one. I can't imagine having to live through that so I've always been thorough in checking I've got the right baby.

As to the babies, it was the Friday before when they brought ME the wrong baby but I didn't nurse him. We never touched him. Even my husband could tell right away he wasn't ours. If only the other mother had half our common sense. Or the nurse actually did her job and checked the ID bracelets...

For the facelift, maybe someday but I've nursed three kids and had three C-sections so a boob lift and a tummy tuck would be first on my list. winking smiley

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AlwaysAngie Wrote:
> Sandy, the other mother was having a fit as she
> found out before me. I was standing in the hall
> waiting for his newborn photos and I had NO idea.
> She looked at me, cussed, threw her hands up in
> the air and ran back into the room. I didn't think
> I was the cause of it all but her behavior was
> such that you'd think *I* gave her my baby to
> nurse. Idiot.
> So when I found out, my first thought was to go
> talk to the other mom about what happened,
> rationally. However, I knew that with the way she
> was acting, she'd say something stupid and being
> as upset over what she did, I would've jumped on
> her and starting beating her senseless (seriously,
> I can get feisty). Since I'd had a C-section and I
> didn't want to have to nurse a baby in jail, I
> stayed put but after everything that happened, I
> really wish I would've confronted her. She is
> partly to blame, as I ALWAYS checked I got the
> right baby. Partly because when my oldest was born
> 19 years ago (last baby was a BIG surprise),
> that's when all that went down in Florida with the
> girls that were switched at the hospital but one
> had died and the parents were fighting for the
> other one. I can't imagine having to live through
> that so I've always been thorough in checking I've
> got the right baby.
> As to the babies, it was the Friday before when
> they brought ME the wrong baby but I didn't nurse
> him. We never touched him. Even my husband could
> tell right away he wasn't ours. If only the other
> mother had half our common sense. Or the nurse
> actually did her job and checked the ID
> bracelets...
> For the facelift, maybe someday but I've nursed
> three kids and had three C-sections so a boob lift
> and a tummy tuck would be first on my list. winking smiley

To my newly found sister in law Always...and i never knew my husband had another brother..great
you would be surprised at how some adults act (or maybe you would not be). Since we have so many hospitals in los angeles there are some that cater to particular clientele. I had a friend who was an L and D/nursery nurse in a Hosp that only took "paying" patients. She was so fed up with the patients and when the hospital had to close down after the big Northridge Earthquake back in the 90's she told me she was relieved to be pushed to look for another job. She was so sick of being a nursemaid to the demanding mothers on her ward who would treat her like their personal slave demanding everything non nursing related be done for them. This particular hospital has a wonderful reputation and rivals the one i work at as the "hospital to the stars". But you must understand that means that once in a while you get a star, most patients are far from being stars...She soon got a job in another hospital that was almost all patients with no source of income outside the government. She loved it for a while as it was a welcome change from the other scenerio but then she got totally fed up with 14 year olds having babies and druggies as patients who just would up and leave their baby at the hospital. Again, most patients were lovely but you remember those that you have to "deal" with constantly. My hospital has a mix of the wealthy and the low income with most in the middle somewhere. We get all types..and there are those who get really weird under stress whatever their income level. And who is not under stress when in the hospital even when there for a good reason like having a baby? (and imagine a baby in the intensive care unit) I am glad you resisted the impulse to whack that lady. We enjoy having you on the forum and I don't think they allow mystery shopping from jail, much less a computer to write on forums. Perhaps you can do the phone shops once in a while when you get your chance for a call!
It's been four years. I'm sure I would've been out at least on probation by now. winking smiley Besides, I would've gotten a reduced sentence for temporary insanity and with her attitude, she had it coming.

And what mom who doesn't recognize her own newborn? I heard my older two both get circumcised, though I didn't know they were getting it done right then. Just something in their cries went straight to my gut and I just KNEW each time it was MY son screaming. Shortly after, they were both brought in and I was told they'd been circumcised. What irritates me is I was ASSURED for the second birth that I was on the opposite side of the nursery. Yeah, I was...there were two aisles of rooms. I wasn't at the far left and the nursery was at the far right. Nope, my door opened to the back wall of the nursery. Now why would I have heard him crying seeings how well drywall holds in sounds? Duh!
So I was treated with dignity, so pushiness, it really was an educational experience, and a fun thing to do. Not to mention it was bonused to $60, so I was happy to do it. I thought it was a very unique experience.
To Angie and anyone else interested in this twist on the thread...
A circumcison, that is a real lifestyle lift! I actually watched my son get circumsized, although while I was there i regretted that choice and looked away at the moment it happened. He did not cry a lot but as soon as the doc handed him over to the nurse to settle him down and get him dressed/diapered, a enormous brown plop fell directly out of him onto her extremely clean and bright white nursing shoes.
Was I ever embarrassed! But I guess those things come along with the job.
TMI? We're all adults here, many who've had kids and gone through the same thing. Babies get circumcised and they poop. Not exactly an awkward news flash. We're not talking about hemorrhoidectomies here. You can always stop reading a post if it gets to be too much for you, especially when there's a disclaimer at the top of the post.
Nobody seemed upset. The comments were all followed by smiley faces and "ha ha."

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
Well, I am glad someone explained what TMI meant...what I said was just what I thought was my son's comment to the doctor! He could not talk and complain about the procedure so he did what he could to make his feelings about the experience known. I thought it was quite funny myself even tho i was embarrassed. And Irene you have a daughter so you may not have experienced the specific "joys" of a son baby. lol Sorry if I offended anyone and got off the subject..I think in a stream of consciousness usually so lifestyle lift jumped in my mind to another thing i consider a lifestyle lift...that is how my mind works.
Back to Lifestyle Lift if it is just the lower face I will take my name off the list for at least another few years...i want my eyes lifted.
LisaSTL Wrote:
> Nobody seemed upset. The comments were all
> followed by smiley faces and "ha ha."

Well, I wasn't sure what was meant seeings how things got twisted in a very nasty, public lie once before in the General Chat. I'm a bit cautious and sensitive to it and I'm not going down that road again. So I felt the need to comment.
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