Anyone ever do the Lifestyle Lift?

It is a consultation for a face lift. I find it pretty funny, actually, but I guess anything and everything is shopped. Shop was bonused and I asked for $10 above that due to toll bridge, so I will be doing it.

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For me, that was an enjoyable assignment! For me, learning about new things is entertaining. I offered to evaluate the whole process if the client wanted to reimburse for a procedure but the scheduler just laughed out loud. smiling smiley Have fun.
Yes, I had to sign the disclaimer, I understand I will NOT be actually receiving a face lift!
I actually went with a friend for a consultation for her (not a job). Very interesting, and I would love one, now if they paid for it, sign me up!!

Live consciously....
Oh, it is too bad they do not want us to try it out. That is one shop I might take even do if they only reimbursed me half of the cost....
I'd like to do the shop but not the lift with them. Lifestyle Lift has a really bad reputation - looked em up once under complaints. Seems its just like a franchise. Even dentists are doing face lifts now. Scary.
The shop is fun and interesting. I personally cannot stand that "Linda" who is on the infomercial on TV. And really all Lifestyle Lifts does is simple face lifts. The same services can be gotten by using any good, reputable plastic surgeon.
plmccut Wrote:
> The shop is fun and interesting. I personally
> cannot stand that "Linda" who is on the
> infomercial on TV. And really all Lifestyle Lifts
> does is simple face lifts. The same services can
> be gotten by using any good, reputable plastic
> surgeon.

Is this an all around lipo-suction of the face and neck or a full face lift? The two are entirely different and a face lift is a major procedure.
"Lifestyle Lift" is a recycled facelift procedure from the 1970s and 80s - done under local anesthesia.

It's a low-tech operation and relatively low cost, too.

It's a franchise, surgeons can purchase the rights to use the name.

The thought of undergoing a facelift under local anesthesia only makes my stomach turn.

I'm in the demographic to do this shop, and get the emails, but the thought of being in a consultation room while women are having their faces peeled back 20 feet away gives me the heebie-jeebies.
This is not the case here (in the land of facelifts). They are done by a registered plastic surgeon and have magnificent offices. This is a necklift and very successful. Looking up anything will find a negative along with postives. The cost is half of a facelift, although still pricey.
shoppinalong Wrote:
> I'd like to do the shop but not the lift with
> them. Lifestyle Lift has a really bad reputation
> - looked em up once under complaints. Seems its
> just like a franchise. Even dentists are doing
> face lifts now. Scary.

Live consciously....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/25/2012 03:59PM by Irene_L.A..
I did this shop a few months ago. Have to admit, I was curious. Would have liked to find out about it anyway, so for me it was better to do it and get paid!
Irene_L.A. Wrote:
> This is not the case here (in the land of
> facelifts). They are done by a registered plastic
> surgeon and have magnificent offices. This is a
> necklift and very successful. Looking up anything
> will find a negative along with postives. The
> cost is half of a facelift, although still
> pricey.
> shoppinalong Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'd like to do the shop but not the lift with
> > them. Lifestyle Lift has a really bad
> reputation
> > - looked em up once under complaints. Seems
> its
> > just like a franchise. Even dentists are doing
> > face lifts now. Scary.

Is it only a necklift or does it involve the face as well?
It's really the lower face (jowls) and neck. If you want to the eyes done it is extra. Otherwise the incisions are just around the ears. The procedure appears to be much simpler than a traditional full face lift. About 10 years ago there was a woman I thought to be in her early 40's at the oldest. It was shock to find out she was actually mid-50's and my assumption was she had some great genes. That is until I saw her on one of the commercialssmiling smiley

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
This is a necklift, (watch the infomercial), however, that alone tightens the lower part of the face erasing lines and sag around the mouth, giving the face a feeling of having a mini lift.
The face is not cut, tiny incisions behind the ears is what it involves.
For whomever said no Anethesia is used is wrong. My friend could not do it because of the anethesia used, you are put out as in a facelift. The cost when we went (4years ago) was 8,000, if you signed that day, you'd save a couple thousand, which included the entire thing. This is a very legit procedure and one I want.

Googling is not always correct, google has me living in a place I never lived, and not having put down a place I was raised.
KathyC Wrote:
> Irene_L.A. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This is not the case here (in the land of
> > facelifts). They are done by a registered
> plastic
> > surgeon and have magnificent offices. This is
> a
> > necklift and very successful. Looking up
> anything
> > will find a negative along with postives. The
> > cost is half of a facelift, although still
> > pricey.
> > shoppinalong Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I'd like to do the shop but not the lift with
> > > them. Lifestyle Lift has a really bad
> > reputation
> > > - looked em up once under complaints. Seems
> > its
> > > just like a franchise. Even dentists are
> doing
> > > face lifts now. Scary.
> Is it only a necklift or does it involve the face
> as well?

Live consciously....
So, if we shop them 400 times at $20 pay per shop we can get the procedure paid for....the rotation on this shop. assume it is 3 mos...You 18 year olds should start doing these shops now and putting your cash away for when you will need the procedure.
> This is a necklift, (watch the infomercial),
> however, that alone tightens the lower part of the
> face erasing lines and sag around the mouth,
> giving the face a feeling of having a mini lift.
> The face is not cut, tiny incisions behind the
> ears is what it involves.
> For whomever said no Anethesia is used is wrong.
> My friend could not do it because of the anethesia
> used, you are put out as in a facelift. The cost
> when we went (4years ago) was 8,000, if you signed
> that day, you'd save a couple thousand, which
> included the entire thing. This is a very legit
> procedure and one I want.
> Googling is not always correct, google has me
> living in a place I never lived, and not having
> put down a place I was raised.
> KathyC Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Irene_L.A. Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > This is not the case here (in the land of
> > > facelifts). They are done by a registered
> > plastic
> > > surgeon and have magnificent offices. This
> is
> > a
> > > necklift and very successful. Looking up
> > anything
> > > will find a negative along with postives.
> The
> > > cost is half of a facelift, although still
> > > pricey.
> > > shoppinalong Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > I'd like to do the shop but not the lift
> with
> > > > them. Lifestyle Lift has a really bad
> > > reputation
> > > > - looked em up once under complaints.
> Seems
> > > its
> > > > just like a franchise. Even dentists are
> > doing
> > > > face lifts now. Scary.
> >
> >
> > Is it only a necklift or does it involve the
> face
> > as well?
I would not consider their setup to be a franchise. It is their procedure and the founders train the doctors they hire. In St. Louis one of the founding partners is the primary physician and he has a local doctor on staff. FYI, doctors in general and surgeons in particular do not just graduate from school and end their training. Training and learning new procedures and better ways to perform procedures is ongoing throughout their career.

And in my town dentists aren't doing facelifts. Since they make more than most doctors what would be the point?

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
I did one a couple of months ago. The sales consultant was a doll and wasn't overly aggressive with her follow ups. I'd do it again anytime. I don't remember what the rotation was, but I imagine it will be a while before it's open for me again.
I found them to be very pushy, selling to try and sign up that day, and getting 2 grand off with no time to think about it. My friend and I were wondering if the sales staff gets commission My dentist certainly is not doing them, really, where do you live? They are not franchises, one company owns and trains the Doctors (my understanding).

Live consciously....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2012 02:27PM by Irene_L.A..
You really need to do due diligence with any place you go so this is a good airing of experiences and ideas for lifestyle lift. 1-800 get thin was advertised all over los angeles and pounded into our heads by their signs and ads how wonderful they were and now they have been stopped from practicing after 5 deaths. I am sure many, many people were brainwashed into thinking they were wonderful...Of course we need to check out individual doctors as well but these chain places especially. It may have been started by a wonderful and professional person but somehow when there are chains they are not all the same. I am sure those of you who shop fast food places can see that they can really vary a lot in quality from one to another.
okay, will report back after my appt. on Thursday. And I think the rotation is a year.

sandyf Wrote:
> You really need to do due diligence with any place
> you go so this is a good airing of experiences and
> ideas for lifestyle lift. 1-800 get thin was
> advertised all over los angeles and pounded into
> our heads by their signs and ads how wonderful
> they were and now they have been stopped from
> practicing after 5 deaths. I am sure many, many
> people were brainwashed into thinking they were
> wonderful...Of course we need to check out
> individual doctors as well but these chain places
> especially. It may have been started by a
> wonderful and professional person but somehow when
> there are chains they are not all the same. I am
> sure those of you who shop fast food places can
> see that they can really vary a lot in quality
> from one to another.

My sister wants to do this. There is nothing "light" about a facelift. The skin is pulled up and set by staples and screws which are removed in about three weeks. There are also stitches that secure a drainage tube for fluids on the back of the neck. This tube is normally removed in about a week. The down time is normally one to two two months. I wonder how this procedure could be "a lighter facelift with less downtime" unless it is simply liposuction. Because a "necklift" currently does not exist, I am guessing that all of this is simply lipo-suction given the promised downtime.
They will be happy to send you all information, it is more than lipo. My sister had a full facelife and forehead pulled back, she was back at work in weeks, but went to the best surgeon in the city, and after stayed in a hotel they provide (you pay extra) with a qualified nurse the first 48 hours which are crutual. There is more room for problems having a full facelift than just doing your neck which heals quickly. Getting a facelift requires a really good plastic surgeon and over $20,000, while this cost 8,000 and takes 10 years off your face.....they let you see patients before and after, but do your own research.

Sandy, maybe we can get a twofer and go together...I'll stay in your room, then we can get the jobs like Freebirds that have a young age restricition.
We'll show them...smiling smiley

Live consciously....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/28/2012 02:38PM by Irene_L.A..
I have to admit for myself (and not meaning to judge others) that spending $20k on my own face when 16,000 children die every day from hunger would just not be an option for me. It would seem way too self centered. Yes, I use makeup and hair dye, but surgery in the cost of thousands? I couldn't live with myself. The difference that money would make to food programs, homeless shelters, animal rescue organizations, etc., who are desperate and are running on shoestring budgets in an attempt to save lives, in proportion to making me look a little better? Absolutely no contest. Just my opinion.
I haven't seen these in my area but if I did, I wouldn't qualify to do them because I couldn't be professional or objective. The only plastic surgeon in my area who does them is a total a-hole. He's in charge of the hospital where I gave birth to my last baby and they accidentally gave him to another mother who nursed him. After it happened, he decided to show his butt instead of being understanding and I don't take well to people showing their @$$ when they're in the wrong.

A year later, I ended up there for emergency surgery and they had to wheel me into the operating room and knock me out when I found out the girl next to me was having a boob job done by him. I laughed at first and said I'll have to kick him when I see him but the more I thought of it, the angrier I got and I started hyperventilating and was ready to pounce on the guy...even though I couldn't breathe. LOL

Can't say I wouldn't beat the hell out of him (literally) if I saw him for a consult. Jail just isn't worth the interesting consult and $10. The satisfacting of kicking his butt might be though. Hmm...imagine the report. I'd have to have it extended, though. So I could do it after I posted bail. LOL
What????????????????????????? They gave your baby to the wrong mother? Don't they check and double check the wrist and ankle ID bands? And what do you mean "he showed his butt?" I'm not totally following you here.
Apparently one woman in the nursery didn't and, according to my research, still doesn't. Even though I filed with the state's Department of Health and they did an investigation.

Showing his butt...he was polite and professional the first time I talked to him about the incident. He asked me questions to determine whether I truly understood the issues with HIV and other transmittable diseases. I think he was testing me and hoping I was a fool who couldn't answer his questions knowledgeably, but he found out otherwise and remained polite during the conversation.

The second time, he was extremely antagonistic and challenged everything I said, asked, and requested. Nothing was offered to us, no free testing or counseling. Not even a real apology. I requested the other mother get tested to save my infant from having to and he got confrontational and stuck up for the other mother. Um, excuse me, but she's not the victim. She was just as careless because I always checked my baby when he was brought in, even if the nurses didn't (and the Friday before, we were given the wrong baby but we caught it). So the other mom and your staff just caused my family 18 months of HIV testing (per the pediatrician) and a year's worth of worry about the health and wellbeing of my son when I should be rejoicing in a new family member. Not to mention other potential diseases. Giving me attitude wasn't the smartest thing because I didn't tolerate it from him.

So, I literally might not be able to control my anger if I did the shop and came face to face with him.

On a side note, I bought a new house two years ago and the head nurse who broke the news is my next door neighbor. I freaked out and was about ready to back out of the deal but we'd already signed everything. Thankfully, you can't stay in that state of anxiety so it did level off. She knows my mom-in-law and said that was her worst day at work ever. She was a sweet lady during it, very understanding and sympathetic, and I held/hold her no ill will. It's still taken her two years to feel comfortable to talk to us.
Wow, what a mess...not all hospitals are like that. We take our milk seriously where I work...I work in an nicu and very occasionally even with checking and double checking the wrong refrigerated milk gets given to another baby. So the baby doesn't go to the wrong mom but the breast milk that was in a bottle is the wrong one. Whenever this happens we ask the mom whose milk it is to be tested and so far we have never had one refuse. They have always been very understanding and helpful, if not a little shocked that it happened. And we would test 10 people at our expense if that were necessary. But then I am in a big city where there is competition. Who knows with the lack of a competitor how things would go. I would like to think it would not change things where I work. And it sounds as tho they mixed your baby up not once but twice or more. Wow. Human error does happen occasionally no matter how much you try to avoid it but twice with one baby in just a few days???
I must admit I saw some pretty awful stuff happen when my mom was several different places over the months she was ill.
Anyway, Angie if you decide to get a facelift someday come join irene and me here in the land of more plastic surgeons than any other sort of doctor and we will ask for the three person discount. Wouldn't that be nice. we can bulk buy facelifts. My colonoscopy guy was telling me about the colonoscopy party he had with a bunch of famous people (never should have been telling these stories to me..against all the rules). There were 8-10 of them and they took turns in the mansion of one of them with multiple bathrooms. They stayed up all night drinking and playing cards..of course what they were drinking was that gallon of stuff they make you drink. This all while he examined me on the table...I should have asked if he gave them a bulk discount but somehow I think they probably paid extra for the house visit. He should have paid them for the rights to the story.
From USA Today Editorial Cosmetic Surgery Investigation Sept 20 2011

>>>>Most legislators and regulators, however, have shown no stomach for stopping doctors trained in one specialty from jumping into another. Sixteen states have even exacerbated the problem by making it easier for dentists trained as oral surgeons to perform cosmetic surgery. New York is considering joining them, after the New York State Dental Association showered legislators with $2.5 million in political donations since 2004. James Hinsdale, a general surgeon and president of the California Medical Association, states the obvious: "Plastic surgeons, no matter how you mince it, have had the best training to do plastic surgery.<<<<"

>>>Established medical specialty boards do certify doctors, such as plastic surgeons and other specialists, and for many years hospitals served as the gatekeepers to prevent physicians from jumping outside their specialties. The vast majority of hospitals won't give them privileges to operate. But today, with greater ability to perform operations in private offices and surgical centers, more medical doctors and dentists are bypassing the gatekeepers and doing unfamiliar procedures. Some are even training others to wield the plastic surgeon's scalpel, sometimes in seminars that last mere days.
Unsuspecting patients are unaware of the danger. And with increasing numbers of people seeking to look younger and thinner, unscrupulous doctors have plenty of consumers to prey on.<<<<
shoppinalong Wrote:
> From USA Today Editorial Cosmetic Surgery
> Investigation Sept 20 2011
> >>>>Most legislators and regulators, however, have
> shown no stomach for stopping doctors trained in
> one specialty from jumping into another. Sixteen
> states have even exacerbated the problem by making
> it easier for dentists trained as oral surgeons to
> perform cosmetic surgery. New York is considering
> joining them, after the New York State Dental
> Association showered legislators with $2.5 million
> in political donations since 2004. James Hinsdale,
> a general surgeon and president of the California
> Medical Association, states the obvious: "Plastic
> surgeons, no matter how you mince it, have had the
> best training to do plastic surgery.<<<<"
> >>>Established medical specialty boards do certify
> doctors, such as plastic surgeons and other
> specialists, and for many years hospitals served
> as the gatekeepers to prevent physicians from
> jumping outside their specialties. The vast
> majority of hospitals won't give them privileges
> to operate. But today, with greater ability to
> perform operations in private offices and surgical
> centers, more medical doctors and dentists are
> bypassing the gatekeepers and doing unfamiliar
> procedures. Some are even training others to wield
> the plastic surgeon's scalpel, sometimes in
> seminars that last mere days.
> Unsuspecting patients are unaware of the danger.
> And with increasing numbers of people seeking to
> look younger and thinner, unscrupulous doctors
> have plenty of consumers to prey on.<<<<

Now that's scary! I don't even want to think about MD who's not properly trained becoming a plastic surgeon, let's not get started on DDS! Quite a bit of difference between studying the body and studying the mouth.
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