I am a "more seasoned" veteran of mystery shopping. My first mystery shop was in late 2002 or early 2003. I attended the 2011 Las Vegas IMSC Conference. I had a good time and learned a lot. It is still a young conference, and they try to hit Vegas every year (for a good reason, it's a great town!) so it'll take awhile to get to all the other places.
That said, I did learn a LOT from a few of the presentations. Did you know the pool parties attended by 100's of people including BIG name celebrities are shopped at very decent rates, and free food and drinks in Vegas? Did you know you can make a KILLING doing Nevada shops AND companies will pay for your Private Investigators license AND help do the paperwork? Did you want to give personalized input and be a beta tester for iPhone/Android/Blackberry APPS for shop inputs? Do you know how to get the 3 or 5 day LUXURY hotel shops, casino's, or cruises? Who to contact? How to put together a portfolio they are looking for??
These are all things this seasoned 8ish year veteran learned. I also saw a LOT of info that I learned on the forums 6/7/8 years ago. But I expected that.
You usually have your choice of one of 2 sessions to attend, so that allows you to pick one that might be more informative to you.
Plus I met quite a few people, got to put faces to names like Servanne and others. Overall, it was well worth it, and a tax deduction.