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I agree with Mert. I think Shop-et-all has raised some good questions. I would like to hear if she has any answers to those questions.
@walesmaven wrote:

Sorry, Mert, but in my view Irene has fought a good fight on this matter and does not really need to push further on the Troll.

We do not often disagree, but here, I must do so.

Yes, I reported her twice to Jacob, hit the thumb button, everyone read my response to her, and they deleted my post. I won't get sick over it . I'm done because I (after months) don't have enough pull. Mod's listened to her over me, so, Mert, I am not Pollyana in anyway., I see a losing battle, but wish you more luck than I had. I know (Mert) your not on here often, but my post was wiped out when I called her a troll. Thx Wales, you know what went on, we now have another break, but it won't last long.
Now i don't know if I was on Merts short list or Shop-et-al...if not me, I still feel the higher ups need to suspend her.

Live consciously....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/06/2017 02:38AM by Irene_L.A..
I think many of us reported shoptastic to the moderators, Irene, not just you, to very little avail. So far the moderators have removed the text from one of shoptastic's posts, deleted one thread which shoptastic started, and closed another thread that shoptastic started. Just like you, I have also reported many of shoptastic's posts. Shop-et-all appears to be one of a limited number of supporters for shoptastic.

I'm not too sure about how it will all play out, but I can tell you I think that walesmaven is very mistaken. Mert's post had absolutely nothing to do with you. Mert's post addressed Shop-et-all.
@AustinMom wrote:

I think many of us reported shoptastic to the moderators, Irene, not just you, to very little avail. So far the moderators have removed the text from one of shoptastic's posts, deleted one thread which shoptastic started, and closed another thread that shoptastic started. Just like you, I have also reported many of shoptastic's posts. Shop-et-all appears to be one of a limited number of supporters for shoptastic.

I'm not too sure about how it will all play out, but I can tell you I think that walesmaven is very mistaken. Mert's post had absolutely nothing to do with you. Mert's post addressed Shop-et-all.
o.k.that make me feel better...I know many reported her from PM', I got,etc. i only speak for myself. I answered shop-et-al to lighten things up, there was no answer to her post. I believe being it was right under my post, we got confused.

Live consciously....
For those who misunderstood who my reply was to, I'll copy/paste to clarify. For those who did not misunderstand, I apologize for this rerun. You can stop reading nowsmiling smiley

Appreciated, and no disrespect intended, but that is a Pollyana reply. There have been umpteen replies made by members driven "bonkers". Posts have been made by a shopper, stating to have 7-8 month's experience. Replies have offered assistance and suggestions. Members have requested less questions - more contribution. Have requested that the shopper read the guidelines, ask the scheduler, do her/his own homework, shorten titles and posts, use the search function, and respect members' time. To no avail.

So. What do you suggest for improving the situation of the majority?

@Shop-et-al wrote:

Hmm. There is no shop guideline here to help us. But, maybe we can figure this thing out, if we just apply ourselves. What can we do/must we do/should we do when another poster makes us bonkers?

Well. we can stop posting instead of insisting that the other person should stop posting. We can step away from the forum instead of telling the other person to step away from it.

I am Exhibit A in this wee matter. Today, for awhile, I avoided this forum and went to the mountains. I didn't quite belt out, "The hills are alive.... with the sound of music..." because they were ripe with the smell of biffy. But I had a great time. Critters were doing their thing. Tourons were doing their thing. I was just a tourist today, having remembered to bring an ample supply of tissue. (It's the busy season, in every way, in the biffy-ous mountains.)

Tomorrow, I have a geography lesson, I mean a little road trip to accomplish a merchandising project. I will see little towns and wide open spaces and more critters than humans. Very nice. I strongly recommend this.

What is your plan for improving the situation? smiling smiley

*logs out of forum and attends to next task on lengthy, personal to-do list*
@Shop-et-al wrote:

I am Exhibit A in this wee matter. Today, for awhile, I avoided this forum and went to the mountains. I didn't quite belt out, "The hills are alive.... with the sound of music..." because they were ripe with the smell of biffy. But I had a great time. Critters were doing their thing. Tourons were doing their thing. I was just a tourist today, having remembered to bring an ample supply of tissue. (It's the busy season, in every way, in the biffy-ous mountains.)
had no idea was the meant. biffy is outhouse? smell so bad it brings u to tears needing tissue? we can do gas shops to get same smell & make $$ doing it.

'Touron is a derogatory term combining the words "Tourist" with "Moron" to describe any person who, while on vacation, commits an act of pure stupidity."

outhouses tourirsts & morons does't sound like fun day to me.
I have read the posts that follow mine (where I disagreed with Mert, above) and now see that Mert was not addressing Irene at all. So, Mert and I do not disagree.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
@MSNinja: I know who the tourons are. For many years, I endured them. Occasionally, I am one. At those times, others endure me. Methinks it is part of being human. Are we human, prone to real or perceived error, and otherwise tourons in the journeys of life and mystery shopping? Are we making a biffy of this forum?

So what if shoptastic asks questions!?! What is the absolute worst thing that can happen if someone asks yet another question!?!


Well, some members might have a mad, attempt to boss shoptastic around, mock him/her, or otherwise add drama to this forum. But that is a personal choice that the members make for themselves. I have expressed my view of certain response types that have been made to shoptastic's posts. In some cases, the responses are combative and unnecessary. Then, I wonder. "Mmm? Are they trying to make bgriffin's siggy a reality here?" Ay, ay, ay, not again." "Go outside. Look at mountains. Peer at tiny flowers."

Anyway, tourons are insignificant compared to the vastness of the wideness and the old, old strength of the mountains I viewed yesterday. The feistiest among us are weeds compared to the tenacious tiny alpine flowers that delighted me yesterday. Our touron-like behavior on the forum pales in comparison to the expansive views I will enjoy today as I travel to a distant assignment.

My response is to examine my own response. Today, I choose to think about the wide open spaces and gain perspective from the wild parts of my region. Tomorrow, I have only one choice: to focus on jobs. The following day, I have the limited options again: I must focus on jobs. For a few days after that, I get to focus on jobs. Then, I will have "free" time. For free, I will work at home. I will do laundry and clean things. Does this response pass muster?

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
@Shop-et-al wrote:

[...] My response is to examine my own response. [...]

A nice counterpoint to the heat of the moment posts.
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