Request for Moderator Help

Post removed because it was inappropriate and contained personal insults against forum members –– Admin

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Interestingllll looked up his her stats shoptastic
501 Posts
Member Since: 02/02/2017 12:29AM
If the OP PM's me again I will be sending Jacob a private message. It has been deleted without reading. I have toggled for a reason and do not wish to be contacted privately either.
How can OP report to Moderator, i have been on here for years, and still don't know who the Moderator is....
I reported this to Jacob, no response as of yet.

Live consciously....
Shoptastic is likely clicking the ! icon at the bottom of each post between the Reply and the thumbs down icons. Clicking that ! icon gives you a text box and sends an email to the moderator. Every time you click ! it generates another email to the mod. I think the problem here is that shoptastic is driving the mods crazy with reports while most forum members who are bothered are wasting their time responding to her foolishness instead of just reporting it. That means most of the reports the mods are seeing are coming from shoptastic. Jacob has told us how he wants us to handle posters we believe are trolls. He asked that we not answer and we report. Responding to trolls just makes them happy. Anyone unhappy with what is going on needs to stop posting and vote with an email to the moderator. All you have to do is click the ! icon at the bottom of any post.
Better yet would be to leave her questions to people who actually want to answer or want to contemplate the answer without actually ever responding and there are more of those than actually respond. I'm talking about her original questions. Not the questions that come after the denigrating responses.
You need to get off your high horse right now. Many of us provided helpful answers and because the OP didn't like them she went off on all these tangents. Sound familiar? You attack anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with you in a never ending stream of rants, continually bringing up perceived slights months and even years down the line. It really is no surprise your own loyalty would lie with a troll. The difference is you are capable of contributing to this forum and have done so admirably in the Merchandising section in particular.

And before I go, this is nothing but pure, spiteful bull sh-t. You are the one talking to a random name and don't kid yourself, if the OP said half the things in person that have been said on this forum I would not be cowering in a corner. Out of the three of us, who uses their real name here? How dare you say we are sociopaths when we take our time to help others. Start addressing the real sociopath who started this thread.

"Listen to me shoptastic! These people, forum members, they aren't talking to you personally.
You......yourself.....your actual person.......they are not talking to you.
They are talking to a random name on a forum.
If they met you in person they would never have the guts to say the things they say.
Most of them get a kick out of hurting other forum members, especially if they can do it in a gang."

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/02/2017 03:46PM by LisaSTL.
And we have proof: Drinking beer will NOT make all of this go away.... Stronger drink are in order this evening.

Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.
Oh, yes, it sounds familiar alright. Make peace with the fact that the we of you that you speak about can be a$$holes and that the we of you are limiting the participation and growth of this forum and contributing to the one dimensional personality of it.
I need your, and anyone else's on this forum, affirmation that I am "capable of contributing" about as much as you do: Absolutely zero!
@shoptastic wrote:

@nixkit wrote:

I'm going to be honest. I only read shoptastic's posts because they are such a ridiculous cry for attention. *eats more popcorn and continues watching*

As a sideline provocateur, you're just as bad as the cruel category of posters on this forum if you do this, nixkit.

You should stop. I say this in peace to you, but also a real warning to not interfere with other people's conversations. There are real, painful, and sincere concerns being discussed here and respectfully, I simply ask that you respect that and not comment like this or leave.

Calling out others' bad behavior is not a cry for attention, nor is responding to complaints and grievances.

LOL A warning huh? I'm sorry, unlike yourself this forum doesn't offend me and I'm not sure you can do anything that is even remotely threatening to me..... Even if the forum would insult me, they are internet people and I don't care.

I'm sorry you feel the truth is cruel. I strongly suggest if you are so upset over strangers online, you get some mental help and most likely some very strong meds because this way of acting is not normal or ok.
@shoptastic wrote:

There are real, painful, and sincere concerns being discussed here and respectfully, I simply ask that you respect that and not comment like this or leave.

Calling out others' bad behavior is not a cry for attention, nor is responding to complaints and grievances.

No, these things are not bring discussed here.

You created this thread to specifically ask that a thread I crrated be removed. If you want to discuss these issues then by all means go for it. But you are not. The one person you started this thread as an attack against, me, is also the one person you have not addressed in this thread. This is my third or fourth post directed at you in this thread. I am patiently waiting for your response. If you truly want to discuss these issues, as per your quoted statement, why havent you responded??

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/02/2017 05:50PM by bgriffin.
loving toggle feature. it works greatr

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2017 11:54AM by MSNinja.
@LisaSTL wrote:

You need to get off your high horse right now. Many of us provided helpful answers and because the OP didn't like them she went off on all these tangents. Sound familiar? You attack anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with you in a never ending stream of rants, continually bringing up perceived slights months and even years down the line. It really is no surprise your own loyalty would lie with a troll. The difference is you are capable of contributing to this forum and have done so admirably in the Merchandising section in particular.

And before I go, this is nothing but pure, spiteful bull sh-t. You are the one talking to a random name and don't kid yourself, if the OP said half the things in person that have been said on this forum I would not be cowering in a corner. Out of the three of us, who uses their real name here? How dare you say we are sociopaths when we take our time to help others. Start addressing the real sociopath who started this thread.

"Listen to me shoptastic! These people, forum members, they aren't talking to you personally.
You......yourself.....your actual person.......they are not talking to you.
They are talking to a random name on a forum.
If they met you in person they would never have the guts to say the things they say.
Most of them get a kick out of hurting other forum members, especially if they can do it in a gang."
r op & spicy same person?

Wow! You may be onto something! Ask Jacob to check the sources for both posters!

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Just a few random thoughts:

You need to learn how to laugh at yourself. Laughter is the best medicine.

Don't take things so personally, especially from posts on the internet.

Stop posting, at least for a while. The forum is full of useful information. Read, read, read, read and when you are finished, read some more.
Now that I know that beer will not cure this, a few thoughts....

Shoptastic: I do not believe that you are intentionally rocking the boat. However, I do have some suggestions for you: First, consider having somebody read your more detailed and/or argumentative posts before you send them. I have learned the hard way, over the years, that it is really easy to mis-communicate your intentions over email and social media when the reader has no ability to read your facial expressions and body language. We are in an industry completely based around honesty and integrity. Unfortunately, there are shoppers who cheat, which makes all of our lives more difficult. This can be a sore subject for anybody trying to make a living doing this and any suggestion that such a person might be "cheating" will come across very, very poorly. Try rephrasing your questions with a positive spin. For instance, ask your question something like this, "I am doing a restaurant shop and really don't want to eat all the food. As a general rule, as a condition of the shop, should I be eating it all or is it okay to leave half or more of it on my plate?" Second, a forum like this is not an appropriate place to discuss emotional pain, etc. You don't know any of us and the majority of us don't know anybody else on the forum. It's not the right medium for dealing with inner vulnerabilities.

To those who are frustrated with Shoptastic: Some of you believe that s/he is a troll. If that is the case, don't feed the troll. Just because somebody posts something you find annoying, disparaging, etc. on social media does not mean you need to respond - at least not more than once. Others have suggested that Shoptastic has real emotional issues. Unless I am mistaken, we do not have any psychiatrists on this board. However, if you are concerned about his/her emotional health, harsh messages to/about him/her will not help anybody or anything. Kindly send Shoptastic a private message, expressing concern and, perhaps, suggest s/he finds a proper support system - which is NOT this forum. Some of you have expressed that you think s/he is writing a book. If you believe this might be the case, send him/her a polite private message stating that you have said concern and that, if that is the case, you wish not to be quoted. However, I would also point out that you are posted things in a public form and you have no expectation of privacy.

All-in-all this drama is just nuts. Such drama will do nothing but belittle the value of this board. It is a great resource for folks with questions about mystery shopping, how to deal with odd situations and how to laugh at one-another's adventures.

Hard work builds character and homework is good for your soul.
That's a good idea. Unfortunately, did it even last 24 hours?

@Mert wrote:

I second that!

Shoptastic needs to find a boyfriend instead of starting threads about eating potatoes and the other stuff. I offer this advice as someone who is medically trained.
@MSNinja wrote:

bboyfriends make mental issues go away hahahaha.

they actually make them worst. A dog or rabbit are good therapy.
While we are on the subject of moderator help I would like the winning numbers for the next Powerball drawing.

There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind
Hmm. There is no shop guideline here to help us. But, maybe we can figure this thing out, if we just apply ourselves. What can we do/must we do/should we do when another poster makes us bonkers?

Well. we can stop posting instead of insisting that the other person should stop posting. We can step away from the forum instead of telling the other person to step away from it.

I am Exhibit A in this wee matter. Today, for awhile, I avoided this forum and went to the mountains. I didn't quite belt out, "The hills are alive.... with the sound of music..." because they were ripe with the smell of biffy. But I had a great time. Critters were doing their thing. Tourons were doing their thing. I was just a tourist today, having remembered to bring an ample supply of tissue. (It's the busy season, in every way, in the biffy-ous mountains.)

Tomorrow, I have a geography lesson, I mean a little road trip to accomplish a merchandising project. I will see little towns and wide open spaces and more critters than humans. Very nice. I strongly recommend this.

What is your plan for improving the situation? smiling smiley

*logs out of forum and attends to next task on lengthy, personal to-do list*

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
I went to SB to meet my friends for our daily chat, left for errands, home to work on house, fabulous day until i found out my daughter Dad is ill, hope he come out of surgery o.k. Picked up my BJ's dinner where I bought one, got one, plenty of good food in house. I do things daily, but it' been too hot to walk, watched my T.V. and all that stuff. Forum doesn't take up all my time, but enjoy checking in to see what my friends and good shopper buddies have to offer. One bad one won't effect anyone's life, just very sad and annoying, but yes, we all live, and I so enjoyed pictures my daughter sent of her on her friends sailboat over the fourth......improving the forum's situation is not up to me, so, what shall be shall be.

Live consciously....
Appreciated, and no disrespect intended, but that is a Pollyana reply. There have been umpteen replies made by members driven "bonkers". Posts have been made by a shopper, stating to have 7-8 month's experience. Replies have offered assistance and suggestions. Members have requested less questions - more contribution. Have requested that the shopper read the guidelines, ask the scheduler, do her/his own homework, shorten titles and posts, use the search function, and respect members' time. To no avail.

So. What do you suggest for improving the situation of the majority?
Sorry, Mert, but in my view Irene has fought a good fight on this matter and does not really need to push further on the Troll.

Edited to add: I have read the posts that follow mine and now see that Mert was not addressing Irene at all.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/06/2017 12:29PM by walesmaven.
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