@CoffeeQueen wrote:
Yes. A thread with "Cheating" in the title that explicity says that shoppers who don't eat enough of their food are cheating the client is a thread that is designed for a flame war. And here it is. She will say she just wanted a discussion and changed her mind. Oh yeah, after 3 days of us defending our integrity she finally changes her mind. Amazing.
@LisaSTL wrote:
I am not afraid to say it publicly. I was accused of a personal insult for suggesting he/she stick with hobby shopping. Nonsense threads are only irritating. Most of those were designed with only one thing in mind, trolling.
CoffeeQueen, et. al ...
I don't know you personally, have nothing against you, and am not trying argue for argument's sake (to create "drama" as some have described it). If you can take a leap of faith and trust that I am sincere when I say that (I know I can't force anyone to accept that, but I also don't know anything else I can do/say to convince people of my intentions), then that may be a helpful bit of background perspective.
I did not start the thread on food shops as a way to stir up antagonism in the forum, but did so because it was a genuine concern given my own past experiences of doing food shops (some mistakes I admitted to in that very thread) and also in hearing of people doing shops where they've given away the food of that shop to strangers, eaten just a small portion of it, and possibly (memory isn't so good on this part) not eating any of it at all when there might have been an explicit taste evaluation question on the surveys (note: I know of one pizza shop where I don't believe they ask for a taste eval., so it's possible even that a good amount of food shops may not even require it). My point is that I felt it was a genuine concern and question and my reminder of it was triggered when another forum member said she had done 28 food shops in a day. I mentioned before, too, that I asked the exact same question - I believe a month or two ago - in almost the exact same form/wording, but it was toward the conclusion of a thread with an unrelated topic. So, it never got answered there.
I can maybe understand someone thinking I was purposely trying to cause drama when I try to take in some of the assumptions and perspectives that others seem to have. But, I know in my own heart and mind that that was not true. It's a legitimate question in my opinion and I wanted to understand it better for both my own sake and for others (as people had been talking about something tangentially related to it).
As for me "suddenly changing my mind," I'm not sure if people were aware of this or not, but I didn't read the overwhelming majority of the comments in that thread. I've learned to protect myself from getting riled up from abusive comments toward me by quickly scanning the names of posters on the left-hand side of a thread and often passing up reading a person's comments that I know has been abusive toward me in the past. That's a method that allows me to read pertinent comments from posters I respect without having to subject myself to abuse of others. I'm not sure what was written in the thread and still don't. My very last post to JASF... alluded to that (saying I hadn't read much of it). I will read it later tonight when I have the chance. Maybe for personal pride reasons (which would be a weakness of mine) - in addition to wanting to have the truth be known - I probably care about this more than I should (i.e., wanting people to believe me). I did, in fact, change my mind upon reflecting on the topic while searching for YouTube videos, as I mentioned in that thread. If people don't want to believe that, I won't try to press the point. I sort of feel it's futile, given how strongly people hold opinions here (many of which I know are wrong in terms of their perceptions of me). I know in my heart and I know God sees in my heart truth when I say that I asked a genuine question of concern and was open to learning and changing my mind (I stated as much in the thread). When I feel there is a good explanation for something that is logical, I can accept that. I came to that conclusion when thinking about it last night. As I mentioned in that thread, what I dislike is personal insult over reasoning. I was always open to learning and changing my mind, but too often I feel people start their comments off with invective and I immediately stop reading the rest of what they have to say when that occurs. I skip past their comments. If you look at my thread title, CQ, you'll see I asked a question with a question mark and my own phrasing of things was to ask if it was an ethical thing to do. I never had any intent on accusing anyone of anything (although, if someone was doing something wrong, they should care to know if what they're doing might be against the spirit of a shop - again, it's a legitimate shopper question).
I wanted you and others to know that I can understand a bit (maybe not all) of where you're coming from, but it's been frustrating for me, because I see that many people have views of me that simply aren't true and I don't know what I can see to have people think otherwise. It's been a deep frustration, because even before discussing any issues of any sort, I sense a lot of people already have a skewed view of me.
I'll say one final thing for now, as I need to get going. Ultimately, I cannot control what others may believe or disbelieve, but I say this 100% truthfully from my heart. I didn't have a change of mind and tone (I was more calm in subsequent posts), because I feared anyone's response to me (I never read the majority of them) or because of the harsh backlash in that thread. I changed my mind through reflection and I changed my tone, because I had a chance to heal (from past hurts) and come to the table with a fresh and renewed spirit. I'm a Christian - flawed as an individual as I may be (only saved by God's grace and infinite love). I prayed for peace and that I could love those who falsely accused me and were insulting towards me. I wanted for a long time to respond to a lot of earlier posts, where people had contentions, but I had been too emotionally distraught to do so (because of so much built up insult and accusations thrown my way). I think/suspect that lack of a response may have given people the idea that I held some sort of grudge against them. That was not the case. I simply needed my own space to define the situation for myself and understand what was going on in my heart. Sort of like coming to some kind of closure with something or inner peace with it. During that time, I continued to post here too, but just ignored folks with whom I had previous problems with. I wanted to wait until I was calm and with the right spirit in my heart before responding. I prayed for the right perspective and felt more at peace with things when I came back into that thread.
That was the reason for my "softer" tone. I think in truth, that's what it's always been (I invite others to read my post history from when I first signed up through now). I didn't get this way (meaning a little "crazy" and 'emotional') over night. It happened gradually from continuous rudeness, cheap shot comments, and accusations thrown my way that were untrue and hurtful. It built up over time and that's why I became the way I did with my anger. I genuinely believe much of it was justified anger, but am open to any mistakes I may have made too. It's something I'll think about and will give a chance to correct myself on. But, as I explained, I wasn't suddenly changing my mind and tone, due to peer pressure or fear of backlash or something like that. I will do something that I believe is right no matter what others may think of me and don't fear persecution because of it. I do, however, believe that abuse is not okay and should not be allowed on this forum and that's why I didn't just sit back and take it.
JASF - I appreciate you offering your perspective, as it's helped me better see how others are perceiving things. Some of the things you mentioned I can agree with right away. It's just that I haven't had the time to "fix" them and reconcile those situations. I had been meaning to, as I explained to CQ above, but needed to first be right in my spirit and heart before attempting to do so.
In some of the other examples you gave, I believe you may not know the full details/context to those incidents (some were not mentioned at all, so you may not have known that they occurred at all, as I chose to take the "higher ground" and not even respond to the insults at all when they first occurred - but will bring them up when I address some past issues in a future post). I respect yours and others views and have some agreement and some disagreement with them, but have no ill will toward you or anyone else.
It's tough, because there's so much I want to say (much of it to defend myself and give a fuller picture of things that I believe others aren't able to see at the moment), but I simply don't have the time. It nags at me, because maybe I care too much about what others think. It bothers me that I am being mischaracterized in many instances. But, alas, I can't cover everything in one sitting.
I'll simply conclude by saying that I've never had any real ill will toward anyone here, nor have I ever "trolled." I believe by playing nice in the beginning (my method of dealing with insult and confrontation is to ignore the person when I believe they're being rude) and allowing certain aggressive posters to define me that it's caused or allowed a lot of misperception to abound (like I'm a trouble-maker, troll, or intentional drama creator). If people read my threads and posts from beginning to end (when I first registered through today) with a fair mind, I believe they'd see I never was this "instigator" type that's been labeled of me (nor some of the other things I've been called).
*sigh* Some of that may be on me for allowing it. I don't know. I'm a bit too tired to think about it right now.
What I plan to do is make a final (very long) post that tries to address everything that people have talked about me recently. I shall go back and read threads that I mentally blocked out before (due to all the invective). And in one big post, I'll see if I can give people my perspective to see if that helps create better understanding.
Afterwards, I'll have said my peace and can leave it at that (it'll be a big relief on my own heart too) and not make any more issues out of it. If people decide to continue mischaracterizing me, insulting me, or maybe not believe me, then that's fine. At least I'll have done the best I could and said my peace from my own perspective. I can leave it at that. As I said, too, I'm okay with rational, intellectual disagreements. So, I won't expect agreement on everything and I am okay with that and won't take it personally. The thing I don't tolerate, nor respect is meanness and insult. And I want people to know that. Know that I have nothing against anyone. Know that I love people here (would die for them if they were in danger and I could replace my own life with their's) - even if I don't like their behavior. And know that I actually wish for people's best.
edit: My pastor used to always remind us of the difference between love and like and that's why I said what I said in my second to last sentence there. If it was weird to anyone, in Christianity, love means we wish for another's best truly and deeply. In other words, we shouldn't have hate in our attitude/heart toward them. That is love. Jesus goes further to say that the highest form of love would be willingness to die for one's neighbor. But it doesn't mean or include "like" at times. So if we feel a person is wrong - like being rude or insulting - then we can say, "I love you, but I dislike your behavior." That's what I meant.
Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 07/02/2017 02:02AM by shoptastic.