Sorry to take so long to respond. I actually read this shortly after it was posted but was on vacation and didn't want to do this on my phone.....
@CaliGirl925 wrote:
I could be wrong, but I get the sense from your posts that you don't particularly care if someone repeatedly violates their ICA and is moderated.
@CaliGirl925 wrote:
What you care about is that you feel you've been repeatedly treated badly by one or a small group of posters.
Not Correct.
@CaliGirl925 wrote:
They have (in your opinion) either repeatedly broken the posting guidelines and have been moderated with no other consequences, or they've exhibited behavior that you feel should be a violation of the posting guidelines (hence your suggestion that "be nice" be added as a posting guideline).
Closer to correct. I feel like there are some posters who have broken the posting guidelines by being rude or offensive to other posters. Sometimes me. Sometimes other posters. I would suggest they have been most offensive to new posters as well as some older posters who for some reason they have a beef with. I do not know what those particular problems are in some cases and don't really care.
@CaliGirl925 wrote:
Additionally, it seems like you feel that some of your posts have been moderated for exhibiting the same behavior as other, un-moderated posts.
Ding. Ding. Ding. We have a winner!
When I began giving as good as the posters I am referring to, my posts began to be edited or deleted while their posts, including ones directed back at me in response were not edited or deleted.
@CaliGirl925 wrote:
Do you want the forum members to rise up and demand more moderator transparency and poster accountability?
I wanted other members who have noticed or experience the same things to voice their concerns. I knew from PMs I had received that I was not the only person who felt that way. The problem is that I was the only person voicing the concern and the ones who felt the same way either had an attitude of "I don't want to rock the boat", "I'm glad you said it so I don't have to", or "I don't want to pile on because you're doing a great job on your own." The problem with that is that it gives the impression the problem is not as big as it is. When I returned, several posts on the subject of mine or posters who agree with me got a dozen or more likes, while the same 3 posters continued to be the only people who seemed to have an opposing opinion. Additionally several members have began posting that they experienced the same thing. Both long time and new posters. So yes, that was part of my goal with this thread.
@CaliGirl925 wrote:
Or do you want Jacob to see this thread and take actions to remedy your concerns?
Yes. And so far I feel like his response has been positive. He separately came to the conclusion that the thumb down did not have the effect he expected and removed it. As well I have noticed a significant decrease in the amount of posts that I would consider rude. I can only assume that perhaps something was said in private but have absolutely no clue if that was the case or not. Either way the goal seems to have been met for now so if that was it or posters have just made a conscious effort to be nicer I do know, and don't care. I also have noticed that other posters have become more vocal about posts that have shown a bit of attitude. I feel the overall affects, independent of if they were a result of this thread or some other reason, have been quite positive.
@CaliGirl925 wrote:
If it's the latter, he's seen this thread and has either acted or hasn't. If it's the former, you're going to need to name names and give specifics about the way you've been treated if you want other posters on this forum to take up your cause. I understand not wanting to launch into personal attacks, but if you feel you've been treated badly and that if people only knew about the treatment you've received they'd rise up and demand a change, then you've got to tell us specifically what you've experienced.
I don't feel any need to do that at this point. As I've said the overall tone on the forum has definitely improved lately, there is no need to rehash things.
@CaliGirl925 wrote:
On a personal note, I'm sorry that you haven't felt welcome here. I've always considered you a knowledgeable and valuable member of the forum and I missed your voice when you weren't here.
Why thank ya. You've always been one of my favorites as well.
There are reasons that a body stays in motion
At the moment only demons come to mind