@Flash wrote:
I got frustrated with it enough that I PMed the scheduler to suggest that they list location(s) in their title and that they actually give information about the SHOP in their post rather than just a blurb about their company and a link to go sign up and check their job board.
Thanks for being proactive about this! I just tried to toggle the offender, hoping it would magically make all the pages of posts they create just disappear. But, alas, toggling does not work that way.

I just stopped checking the job board, rather than page through all of the worthless listings. You could tell they were just running down the list, because the posts were alphabetical by state.
I think having sub-folders for regions would be keen. Either that, or have job posters have a convention of listing zip codes, areas, counties or some such indicator that would make it easier to search.
Could I have a receipt please?