I understand what you're saying b but the fact is it's not in the guidelines so we are free to talk about politics and religion all we want. In the past we had a situation wherein if we brought up politics or religion someone would politely tell us we don't talk about politics and religion on the forum. Well, apparently we do talk about politics and religion on the forum if the right person brings it up and apparently we do not talk about politics and religion if the wrong person brings it up, the "wrong" person being identified as some innocent bystander who is not aware of the unwritten policy or practice.
Now we are having disagreements about what constitutes talking about religion and politics, but the fact is if anyone thinks we're talking about politics or religion, then we are, no matter how much we may deny it. Not to disagree that someone can be misunderstood, yes, that can happen, but if the perception is that the subject is politics or religion then that becomes the case for the person with that perception.
The reason we should not discuss politics and religion here is the same reason I cannot discuss those subjects with my brother. We would hurt each other. That's what happens here -- we hurt each other. There is no good outcome to hurting each other.
Nevertheless, I think after recent discussions here that politics and religion are no longer socially off limits. It appears to me that all forum members should be able to discuss both subjects without being chastised or cautioned by other forum members that we do not discuss those subjects. Because we do. We discuss those subjects. Yes, we do.
Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/09/2015 12:57AM by MDavisnowell.