@StormCloud -- sarcasm? Hopefully.
@purpleicee -- thank you!
@Jay C -- The design shifts/changes around depending on the size of the browser window, or the screen. But, maybe there are bugs caused by your old browser. Maybe I can fix them. What browser version are you using on your old computer?
@Sybil2 -- Thank you for the feedback! I like your idea of changing the 'new' to be a little more noticeable. I just added that to the 'to-do' list. I don't understand what you mean by the ads "not overtaking the pages." Can you elaborate? Thank you!!
@MDavisnowell -- Sorry! I was very reluctant to do this design change at all. Change is hard. I plan on continuing to update the new design. I'm going make the "new" buttons brighter. More like the old version. Hopefully it will grow on you.
@sandyf -- The updates tab is still there! It was just shifted over a little. I think, perhaps, that I should make it more prominent. It is important to me too!
@scanman1 -- I updated the design so that the messages are now ~80 characters wide on a 1920x1080 monitor. Maybe you're not seeing those changes? They get as small as ~67 characters wide, but only with a few screen widths.
Thank you everybody!
Please keep the feedback coming.