Well, everyone who shops at truck stops could post flyers.
I would guess many truck driver's discussions would be about people in 2500# Toyotas cutting them off on the approach to a red light and nearly turning into road kill as a result. But that's just a guess.
Other discussions ... people who flash their high beams instead of turning lights on and off to signal them it's okay to move over, people who don't dim high beams when passing, people tailgating them to try to improve their gas mileage, people hanging in their blind spots.
My ex is a truck driver. They use technology -- GPS, smart phones, software to track per diem rates. They furnish their trucks with microwaves and mini-fridges, coffeemakers, TV's, radios. I think they still use CB radios on the road, at least some of them, anyway.
Time to build a bigger bridge.