I think trolls mostly come here seeking vengeance against a company for an interaction that didn't go their way. They don't want solutions. They want to wreak havoc against the company on the internet.
Forum members should be able to post negative experiences which are substantiated by facts and presented in a professional manner without histrionics. This is information that should be shared and is helpful to everyone.
Rants of any nature should not be welcomed or tolerated. Issues of a personal nature with schedulers/editors/MSCs should be addressed one on one with the other party (or parties) before being brought to the forum. We cannot solve personality issues and we cannot correct anger and rudeness on either side. We can only offer suggestions as to how to improve any situation.
If our suggestions are not acceptable, perhaps we should not be consulted.
Here's how I suggest we handle some of our problems:
(1) Moderators would adjust every inflammatory thread title to a non-inflammatory title.
(2) As soon as a rant becomes apparent, disagreeing/disapproving members should post a one word response: "Toggle." Then do it.
Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.