I'll have to jump in here again with my experience running a forum for over five years. I am a techie and have tried almost every commercial plugin on the most complex message board system out there. (vBulletin)
Here are things I have implemented and removed:
1. A "Shoutbox" Where on the homepage, you have a chat window where everyone can basically "tweet".
FAIL. Reason - People will post things there that they would not post in the forum. It is like an open mic. and people are always saying things off the cuff that they don't think long enough to hit the post button.
2. Add ANY sort of vote on a post or thread type like/dislike system.
FAIL. Reason - People are going to form clicks and gang up on others. It's human nature. Some people will rub others the wrong way and it's a popularity contest as to who is most liked.
3. Post count gadget to show the most posters, most posts that are liked, etc.
FAIL. Reason - Same as #2, but even worse as people will try to post crap and game the system to get into the top 10 or whatever you decide to show.
4. Advanced editor with buttons above the post to change font, color , size and insert photos and more without needing to use BBCODE by hand. (I posted my thread with the BBCODE and bump it, for the long time members to accentuate their posts)
FAIL. Reason. The people that are going to decide to bold, underline and huge font everything are annoying and we don't want to encourage any of that here.
If you have to type the brackets and use BBCODE by hand, the idiots won't use it. And the people that are smart enough to use it will use it with some discretion.
5. Avatars. I have them. (It is a PITA)
FAIL. It adds flair, but for this type of board, it is too distracting and requires lots of moderation.
6. Post Signature line.
Working - It is possible to light up a Christmas tree of animated GIF's, and stupid nonsense.
In my BBCODE test post, I have done all I can do to discourage such behavior and it has worked up till now.
If people decide to post a one liner, or choose an animated .gif that is the size I use or smaller, I see no problem or backlash from the board. Naturally, someone will take it too far and need to be reprimanded.
I could go on till point #20 with failed things to add to the forum, but less is more.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/22/2015 11:12AM by scanman1.