Let's see, the title of the thread called the idea "ridiculous" and the body of it said the idea of giving shoppers a little extra bonus of unknown amount should be "taken out behind the barn and shot."
And then everyone jumped on Techman's bandwagon and proceeded to not only belittle the idea (which is rude enough) but to attack Ace in general, malign Payquicker, and just in general never give a thought to the person behind the idea (Erika) and the fact that she is a human being -- a very nice human being, and a caring human being -- who did not deserve to be attacked like that just because you found her "gift" inadequate.
yes, nastiness is what happened on that thread, and now it has turned onto me because I stood up for Erika. I have now been accused of doing so for monetary gain, hoping that I would get a $50 bonus. Never mind that I have done exactly two shops for Ace in two years and there are no shops even available to me. But someone decided to attack my motivation in taking on the bullies who were beating up on Erika (accusing her of disrespecting the very shoppers she was offering bonuses to) and on Ace in general (for having the audacity to use Payquicker, never mind that we already have checks, gift cards, Paypal, direct deposit being used by other companies, but for some reason Payquicker alone is just evil and must be stamped out!).
I took on the bullies because I felt bad for Erika, who was just trying to do something fun and different to give a little something extra to the shoppers who work for her. (I suspect most of the detractors in that thread don't even shop for Ace at all, so what right do they have to be offended by her offer in the first place?) I spoke up because silence implies agreement. I did not agree.
If you're all proud of "liking" Techman's post -- so be it. I will remain ashamed of you. As I was ashamed of the bullies who ganged up on poor Tony Lorenzini. My opinion. My right to have it.
I just wish once in awhile some of you might consider for one moment that the people you are attacking are human beings who have feelings who can be hurt, and to consider that your "opinions" (to which you have a right) might not necessarily need to be shared when the only possible outcome is that someone is going to be hurt by the vehemence of your "sharing."
It's perfectly okay to read Ace's offer and think "I think that's a stupid idea" without have to put it in print for all to see, including the person whose idea it was.
Is it kind? Is it true? Is it helpful? I would be really nice if some people here would take a moment to consider whether what they are about to post meets those three criteria, and if it doesn't, maybe they should reconsider posting it.
God forbid anyone stand up for civility and manners here. It's so much easier to agree with hostility and rudeness and sarcasm.
Time to build a bigger bridge.