To a large extent, moderation is the great unknown. Recently, we received resolution regarding the use of profanities, which is much appreciated!
Do moderators use discretion, receive direction, or is the decision to moderate a subjective one? As an example, not meant to single out any member, but should this be allowed "Illegal, lazy or illiterate requester". "Perhaps if he/she learned our language it wouldn't present such a problem with interpretation". The posts have been reported. Last I looked, they hadn't been moderated, which doesn't tell us anything; maybe the mods are busy, or maybe they're okay with the reported posts. Another school of thought was expressed by a member who posted that letting the post stand, with replies from other members against the negative posts, carries more weight. My concern there is that objectionable posts may fall through the cracks, as we may not read every post.
What if moderation lets an objectionable post stand, but adds mod comments/direction? Or, removes the objectionable post, and adds mod comments as to why. What if there's a three-strike rule in place (or one, two or ten) . After that number of strikes, the member is placed on pre-moderation status, having been cautioned prior. And, this would include MSC posts, one in particular comes to mind.
Could moderation guidelines be added to the FAQs? If members have access, we have understanding. Similar to referencing forum guidelines re ICA violations, we could quote or refer inappropriate posts to the FAQs.