Wales, the forum can assign read permission, reply permission, or mod rights.
MDavis, when you joined the forum, you chose to use your real name. That is certainly not typical for mystery shoppers. Fortunately, Jacob allows members to keep identities private for many reasons. I don't want to shop a store, bank, apartment, etc., and be positively marked as the shopper, because my real name has been revealed here. MSCs and clients read MSF. Our names and locations would be Googled.
You state "I believe if shoppers expect MSCs and schedulers to identify themselves, we should be willing to identify ourselves and assume responsibility for our posts. If some of us can be anonymous all of us should enjoy that privilege." This is not the nature of this business, which transfers to MSF. I assume responsibility for my posts, without providing public identifiers. If the mystery is removed from the shopper, there would be no integrity in shops. All real names here would be black-listed. If the MSC or client gleans my name via credit card or driver's license, and cross-references that I have contributed here, what would be the point? Additionally, while it doesn't happen often, it has happened ~ Unscrupulous MSCs have revealed shopper identities. Additionally, unscrupulous MSCs have taken undeserved retaliatory measures against our members - deactivation, attempted black ballling with other MSCs, abusive/threatening PMs and emails. Why? Because, the shopper justly criticized, or called the MSC on the carpet, after exhausting other measures.
Of course, we have also had unscrupulous, or misguided shoppers. We've gotten very good at spotting, and calling them out.
Sometimes, an MSC's contribution is enlightening. I beieve this is a forum for the shopper, by the shopper. I do realize that there have been occasions when MSCs have been unjustly defamed. Their contribution has given the other side of the story. While we have requested MSCs to identify themselves, there has been resistance. If we are to share the same space, I would like them to be required to introduce themselves and have a permanent signature line. There are mystery shoppers, but I haven't heard of mystery MSCs. Their presence should be transparent.
Clients who have found MSF are a horse of a different color.