The attacks on newbies have been vicious at times; most notably the Tony Lorenzini fiasco, where a new poster asked for help finding the MSC's for whom his injured (we later found she was deceased) wife had been working and was promptly attacked for trying to get people to violate their ICA's. Several people refused to even consider that he might have been telling the truth and called him a liar, lazy, and other things. Even after someone googled his name and found the wife's fresh obituary, they continued to blame him for causing the attack because his original post didn't have all the details and facts they felt he owed us.
The thread made me ill. I and others tried to rein them in, I begged them (or a moderator) to delete the inflammatory, accusative posts. Nothing was deleted. And then Tony came back to the thread and read what everyone had said.
And it all started with the first poster who came to the thread who accused him of trying to get false sympathy so we would tell him who shops ... I can't remember what it was ... a cell phone company and something else ... and then people jumped in to back that person up.
I often wondered -- if someone else had gotten to that thread first, and replied instead, "I'm sorry to hear about your wife's accident" and offered suggestions (that were offered after the attack) to check her computer and emails to find the information -- if the tone of the thread wouldn't have been vastly different. But it was like once the accusation was made, the attack itself needed to be defended.
I've never been more ashamed of this forum than I was that day. I nearly left after that happened.
It is interesting, though, to see just how civil this place has been in recently weeks. I hadn't even noticed until it was pointed out to me that many long-time posters hadn't been around; I just noticed that nobody was picking fights any more. And the newbies have been helped, and the questions have been answered, maybe by people with less experience, but still by people with enough experience to get the job done.
I would like to see the the innocently ignorant posts made by newbies be handled by people who are still new enough themselves to remember what it was like to come in here, not knowing what to expect, and hoping for kind understanding not accusations of laziness and cheating.
And Bayberry? "In my observations, the newcomers who have been "bashed", etc. deserved it. " NO. No newcomer deserves to be bashed. They deserve to have things explained to them, to have protocol pointed out, to be reminded of their ICA agreement, to have it explained to them, "I'm sorry, but the purpose of this forum is to help people learn to shop. It is not to tell them where the shops are." They come here with excitement and enthusiasm, eager to get started (or upset with a problem to get help with) -- not to be shot down. Their enthusiasm and eagerness to get started need to be channeled into productivity, not quashed right out the gate. If they turn into a troll later, we can bash them then. But they should be given the benefit of the doubt at first.
I've said it before... Do unto others.... Did the grieving, confused, and lost Tony Lorenzini deserve to be bashed the way he was when he asked for help?
Blaming people for not reading first in the "new member" forum is wrong. If they're having a problem right now, and that's why they came here, it is unfair to expect them to figure out how to use the search feature to find their own answers, or to spend hours reading hoping to stumble over the answer. It's easier just to ask the question. That's not laziness; that's efficiency. They may not have time to search. If you don't want to answer it -- go to another thread. Nobody is required to respond to a post just because they read it.
So you can put me solidly on the side of having some kind of "rules" for responding to new members. Maybe in addition to screening their first few posts to be sure they're not a spammer, there could be some kind of moderation for the "first responders" to ensure that they are met with kindness before they get hit with a hammer by someone.
Time to build a bigger bridge.