walesmaven Wrote:
> Bashing posters who decline to engage in the
> threads about how much they earn each month or
> year or how many shops they do per month is, to
> me, a sign of complete disrespect for the right of
> privacy.
This isn't "bashing," it is attempting to change the culture around this forum, where a cadre of Old Guard frequent posters - many of whom have limited experience in the subjects they are going on about - are continually nitpicking, harassing and bullying new members in their first few posts. Look at the title of this thread. Your post is way way off-topic.
I like reading success stories here of shoppers who earn significant amounts of money. I am encouraged and inspired when I read that someone had a $600 day with three video shops, or that another highly experienced shopper averages $2,000 net on his weekly routes. There are frequent posts here with people detailing their bargaining skills, work ethic and the payoff that results. They inspired and energized me as a novice shopper. They are much more of a positive contribution to this forum than the constant corrections of grammar, syntax and slight mistakes that some specialize in.
> While personal and PM interactions to encourage
> shoppers and would-be shoppers are a good thing,
> the needs of the community for information and
> positive reenforcement are really not being served
> when some posters almost never show up to try to
> answer requests posted in open forum.
Here's a wild thought: perhaps if the Old Guard dialed it back a bit, became a lot less territorial and let some new voices and ideas post here without jumping down their throats, the shoppers who, in your words, "almost never show up" would fill in. Just my opinion here, but 10-20 experienced shoppers giving advice to new members is going to create a healthier, more diverse forum than 4-5 territorial Old Guardsmen posting the same old same old on every thread.
This thread is about "Welcoming New Shoppers." I'd like to keep it there, thankyouverymuch.