Toys 'R Us filed bankruptsy....What will the Lego (and other) Merchandisers do? Rely on Walmart?

They said they are going to stay open, for now. What will all of the Merchandisers do if they close? Only Walmart will be merchandised by Lego Merchandisers, right? What do you service in Target? I've complete a few of the gift card resets there but I won't miss them terribly (the resets, that is).

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Well, Lego just laid off 1400 people so it appears they aren't exactly in tip top shape either. :/ It's unfortunate. My husband loves some Lego's. Our local Kmart shut down and had the Lego's 75%-$80 off. I really wish I had just bought all they had in the store for that price. It made some of the $100+ sets around $20-$25. We probably coulda just sat on them for a while and sold on eBay.

Oh, I didn't hear they laid of 1,400 people. Right before the holidays, no less. Very sad!
Do you think this is just the tip of the iceberg, with all the online sales? We had our BigK (Kmart) close a few years ago. I think we have the only Super Kmart left in the country. I know the Toy R Us here, looks a little run down and is not too busy. However, around Christmas, the place is still packed.
@spicy1 wrote:

I think where there is a lack of the customer service experience, places will close.
why is online shopping so popular then. usually not much if any cust serv involved dealing w/ website.
People that buy for other than price take their children and grandchildren there for the experience; not all parents and grandparents toss a cheaply bought toy at children. That's how we get our scientists and engineers.
legos & hasbro toys of all kind are sold on same exact toys as store. just because u can get lower price online doesnt mean its a cheap toy.
You missed the point, but ok, everyone needs a protagonist to help them keep their %#$ together, I guess.

eta: Do you do merchandising MSNinja?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/20/2017 11:23PM by spicy1.
So, I figured out the math for them:

The company owns or licenses 866 Toys "R" Us and Babies "R" Us stores in the United States and Puerto Rico, more than 750 international stores and more than 245 licensed stores in 37 countries and jurisdictions.

So, since they are 5 Billion dollars in debt / 1,861 stores = $2,686,727 per store.
If there's a profit margin of 24% they only need to sell an extra $11 million per store this Christmas season; get out there and shop people!

eta: or cut the salaries of the top 6 maybe and raise the salaries of the bottom 500,000.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/20/2017 11:34PM by spicy1.
Cast stopped doing the Toys R Us maintenance on the monitors till they know what is going on with pay and what the bankruptsy means for them.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/06/2017 04:07PM by coolhandluke74.
I'm wondering if they'll try to get us to do the monitors for less. I got a change of subject when I asked my TOM what was going on.
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