Walmart Preferred Vendor List

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However, they DO have Mars. They have through the holidays and I bet Acosta picks up Mars!
@LeslieKay111 wrote:

.... I think that they will still have just as many people running around the store a year from now. Forcing vendors to consolidate to 5 merchandisers just won't work in my opinion. But let's wait and see. I think vendors will sneak people in that are not accounted for anymore....

I don't think that any self-respecting MSC or vendor-supply company wants to sneak any unauthorized persons into stores. It would not serve anyone well to do this. I have assumed that all the companies-- approved and unapproved alike-- will want to make the best of the situation and will direct energies toward strengthening their businesses.

I have assumed that people who now work with "unapproved" companies will sign up with one or more of the "approved" companies, if they were not already working with them. In this way, they will continue to work in Walmart locations and, possibly, have additional or different tasks to perform.

My concern that I expressed earlier could relate to your concern, though. If others also assume that 'people formerly known as merchandisers associated with unapproved companies' are doing nothing but "running around" the stores, there might be some awkward moments for certain people. For example, if I (who did not join the approved companies) am reported for being mobile in my local Walmart, there could be some trouble for me. I would know that my sole purpose for being in the store would involve personal shopping for my household. But the reporter might not know (or worse, might not care). In that eventuality, I would be under suspicion, possibly questioned, and maybe even subjected to embarrassment or shame. And I would have done nothing wrong.

I think I will stay out of the store for awhile, just in case...

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/28/2017 12:03AM by Shop-et-al.
Well, I can tell you this with absolute certainty; Wal-Mart Associates, and Managers alike, will NOT, on average, be running around questioning people that look suspiciously like a Merchandiser sneaking into the store to apply and instant rebate coupon or whatever! If you're running around with a scanner, scanning 500 items you could end up in the big house or worse. They won't be installing scan-able chips into the approved Merchandisers foreheads either so no need to worry about that. Your name tag, on the other hand, should only have one of the 5 companies names on it, especially in the backroom.
Use common sense. If I am done merchandising and need to do some personal shopping, I take my badge off and become a customer. It isn't a big deal now and it won't be a big deal later. Also, if you aren't working in Walmart, how often will you make a special trip there?

Former mystery shopper, current merchandiser.
@Shop-et-al wrote:

@LeslieKay111 wrote:

.... I think that they will still have just as many people running around the store a year from now. Forcing vendors to consolidate to 5 merchandisers just won't work in my opinion. But let's wait and see. I think vendors will sneak people in that are not accounted for anymore....

I don't think that any self-respecting MSC or vendor-supply company wants to sneak any unauthorized persons into stores. It would not serve anyone well to do this. I have assumed that all the companies-- approved and unapproved alike-- will want to make the best of the situation and will direct energies toward strengthening their businesses.

I have assumed that people who now work with "unapproved" companies will sign up with one or more of the "approved" companies, if they were not already working with them. In this way, they will continue to work in Walmart locations and, possibly, have additional or different tasks to perform.

My concern that I expressed earlier could relate to your concern, though. If others also assume that 'people formerly known as merchandisers associated with unapproved companies' are doing nothing but "running around" the stores, there might be some awkward moments for certain people. For example, if I (who did not join the approved companies) am reported for being mobile in my local Walmart, there could be some trouble for me. I would know that my sole purpose for being in the store would involve personal shopping for my household. But the reporter might not know (or worse, might not care). In that eventuality, I would be under suspicion, possibly questioned, and maybe even subjected to embarrassment or shame. And I would have done nothing wrong.

I think I will stay out of the store for awhile, just in case...

Companies perform "covert" audits and tasks now, that won't change. Walmart forbids, Field Agent and Gigwalk in their stores now via their LOA's because they don't vet their vendors, yet I get Field Agent jobs almost everyday in Walmart. There isn't a lot of integrity in this business by all parties. If a supplier can save money by using a smaller merch company or app, they will. And like Spicy said, no one at Walmart is going to question someone putting IRC's on a few products, just like no one questions me snapping pics for Field Agent. I never sign in so I don't even have a Walmart sticker on lol. They just say Hi and move on.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ What Wild Bill said. All of that and more has been my experience when I merchandised in 7 different WMs for over 7 years.
......and never be worried about shame or embarrassment at a Walmart.....have you seen, "The people of Walmart website"?
Acosta is letting go 150 merchandisers nationwide today, just a few weeks after saying they would be hiring up to 500 for the anticipated additional business.
iwahstore - Thank you for the update. Do think that is at all related to the Walmart announcement or rather a slow down of the business?
Its not true, I found out just now that it is FAKE NEWS! What is your source iwa? Payroll is closing early because if IRMA, thats all.
I know the facts are true about 150 layoffs because I was one of them. Acosta, being privately owned, was told by investors putting money into the company that payroll was just too high for the amount of clients, etc. so, spicy1, it is Not Fake news, as you state. Since you do not have a grasp for the facts, my source was the Unit Manager who gave me the news.
Well and no such thing happened.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/09/2017 01:27PM by spicy1.
I too worked for Acosta and my Unit Manager called me and said that after his conference call on Friday morning that the company was letting people go across the nation. As of noon on Friday I have no job. Going to check out the other merchandising companies that Walmart is going to use.
If true, this does not surprise me. I've been hearing of Acosta reps staying in the stores with nothing to do, or leaving their tablets with a manager so it would look like they were there. I'm not saying anyone here was doing that, just that in some areas it seems there was not really much work to be done vs. what Acosta was sending in reps to do.

Former mystery shopper, current merchandiser.
I'm sure that I'm going to walk into a Kroger and say, "Hey, Manager, can you watch my tablet for me?" And the Manager says "Sure, no problem, I'll take care of it until you get back from your nap."
There's always something to do! Zoning, cleaning, talking to customers/managers about your products, commercials, programs, sales.
Hello, everyone! I work for a merchandising company that is hiring and was not affected by the preferred vendor list. Please feel free to reach out to me if you're looking for a job!
I agree. With all the clients Acosta represents one could begin zoning on the first aisle and make an entire day of it.
@Shop-et-al wrote:

@LeslieKay111 wrote:

.... I think that they will still have just as many people running around the store a year from now. Forcing vendors to consolidate to 5 merchandisers just won't work in my opinion. But let's wait and see. I think vendors will sneak people in that are not accounted for anymore....

I don't think that any self-respecting MSC or vendor-supply company wants to sneak any unauthorized persons into stores. It would not serve anyone well to do this. I have assumed that all the companies-- approved and unapproved alike-- will want to make the best of the situation and will direct energies toward strengthening their businesses.

I have assumed that people who now work with "unapproved" companies will sign up with one or more of the "approved" companies, if they were not already working with them. In this way, they will continue to work in Walmart locations and, possibly, have additional or different tasks to perform.

I know that I have been hired by multiple MSC's to do "audits" or sticker products without an LOA. I didn't really think about it then but those situations will continue. Plus, you can get in as a merchandiser if you are placed by the Marketing Department versus the buyers or if you are a direct ship supplier. Which most companies do ship direct to Walmart distribution centers as it is. In my case, we actually ship directly to store and our merchandising will not be affected. For example, Duracell batteries ships directly to stores and get paid POSB, or paid as the product sells thru. They have a merchandiser that is not affected. (I am not sure if she works for the company or a merchandising rep. I'll ask her next time I see her). But we discussed how this will not affect either of our jobs.
@jmj161 wrote:

Hello, everyone! I work for a merchandising company that is hiring and was not affected by the preferred vendor list. Please feel free to reach out to me if you're looking for a job!

Which company is this for? And how are you not affected by the changes? I am really curious. How will this work? Do you provide an LOA?

If you are from an MSC or merchanding company and posting in the forum they like for you to state that in your signature line when posting. I see you are a new member so I am not sure if you understand how that works. Plus, we have a section to post if you are looking for workers.
I have three merchandising days in the near future. I work with a company that is not on the "approved" list. Will these three days contain my last assignments for this company within Wal-Mart locations? I don't know. Here is what I know. Recently, two different types of assignments required less time for the merchandising task than to check in, work with team member, and check out of the locations. I have another project type that takes longer for the actual task/-s than to check in, check out, and work with store staff.

I wonder what people who perform these tasks in future will experience. Will they have a similar breakdown of on-site timings? As time passes and everyone gets an idea of how long various things should take, will anyone see an opportunity for multiple tasks per store per day? Will this be possible? Will more local or more traveling merchandisers be working in the Wal-Mart stores? Will anyone want to change from local to traveling, or vice versa?

I merely wonder about such things...

Bach is not noise, Madam. (Robert, in Two's Company)
A.G and Hallmark, like coke, MJ Holdings and many others are scan-through products: Wal-mart doesn't buy them. These are not the Merchandisers this new plan is referring to.
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