@LeslieKay111 wrote:
@Shop-et-al wrote:
I just don't think we will see much change. People will still be hired to merch Walmart if the vendor is determined to do so. My receiving department had not even heard of these new rules! Implementation will present some challenges. Walmart counts on vendors to pay to have their product merch'd because they do not hire or give enough hours to Walmart employees to properly service Walmart branded products let alone everyone elses!
*I agree with you. My receiving department didn't know anything and didn't think that it would make a difference. Walmart merch teams thru the buyers are being restricted but you can still get in thru the Marketing department at Walmart or send in a team if you are a direct supplier. (Which Wal-mart prefers anyways.) Wal-mart wants the product merchandised so that their employees don't need the hours to do it. Less payroll for Wal-mart. But I do understand the consolidation going on because there are dozens of people in the store at any given time. We sign in but no one knows where you are or what you are doing.
I guess it wouldn't surprise me if Wal-mart started their own merch teams and charged vendors to use them. But if that's the case why not charge them now and give Wal-mart employees more hours. I work for a supplier and I seldom to never see a Wal-mart manager in my area. I don't think that she gets many hours. Half her department is my company's product and that is covered. I have things still pending because I can never find someone to do the Wal-mart side of the project. I need them for pricing and shelf tags mostly.
@LeslieKay111 wrote:
I have things still pending because I can never find someone to do the Wal-mart side of the project. I need them for pricing and shelf tags mostly.
@spicy1 wrote:
There were a few people who were terminated recently because the Kraft Representatives were in the stores and were assigned to introduce themselves to the Acosta Associate assigned to that store, primarily to discuss getting the feature displays in the stores. Those Associates were not found in the stores, they were in their cars. Others were reported to be stocking in Target stores from the home to the feature displays instead of stocking from the backrooms, if they were stocking at all. Since 350 people were terminated, as you say, where are they and why aren't they talking about it in the industry? That would be a discussion that would be happening. Obviously, that's what I'm talking about.