Atlantic Coast Merchandising

Anyone have any current dealings with this company? I received an email saying that they were responding to me responding to their ad. I don't recall responding to their ad, but it's possible that I did. When I call the number on their website I get a recording saying they'd rather deal through email. And when I call the number in the email (a cell phone number), it goes to voicemail with an auto text saying they are out of the office for's way past lunch. I'm kind of suspicious. Anyone know anything about them? Thanks!

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I too received an email from them, I did apply. They set up a phone interview but they never called.
Thanks for your reply. I did try to call again today, but just got their voicemail.
@backtowork wrote:

Anyone have any current dealings with this company? I received an email saying that they were responding to me responding to their ad. I don't recall responding to their ad... Thanks!

I am currently signed up with this company, and begin my first job tomorrow night (then all through the weekend). From what I can tell, they are a filler company - when another company has resets to do and they don't have all of their positions filled, Atlantic Coast Merchandising (ACM) comes to their rescue. I say this because I am told by ACM to go in tomorrow night stating I am with XMSL - this is the company I will be reporting to and who will be cutting my check. Once I walk in that door, ACM steps out... Hope that makes some sense. If you PM your email address (cuz I don't think we can publicly add our email addresses to this forum) then I will send you my boss's name and email address. She's cool. You'll like her. She pushes an app called CREW, so she can announce ''All at Once'' the jobs she has available and where they are located. I think you need an invite to the app, but that's no problem...I'll invite you! ;-)

Until then, feel free to sign up with them. They are a legitimate business.

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To the World You Just Might Be One Person,
But to One Person, You JUST Might Be THE WORLD!
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From my experience the filler companies tend to pay better. I haven't worked with this one but I have worked with a few others. Let us know how this works out for you.

Also when you get emails saying the saw your application it could be your name on NARMS/World Alliance.

~~*~~*~~*~~ kal ~~*~~*~~*~~
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just forget to load the film.
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