Hey there,
I was kind of nervous the first time I did an install, too, because they really don't give much guidance at all about how it's supposed to go. It turned out to be really easy. The theater managers know what you're there to do even if you're a little unsure yourself. I've only done installs at four different theaters but all of them were pretty much the same so I think my experience is probably fairly universal.
Here are tips that would have helped me:
1. Read all of the materials MarketForce supplies before and after accepting an assignment, especially the instructions for the standee you're going to build (if they're available). They're a good way to judge how difficult the job will really be. Also, the more familiar you are with them the quicker the install will go. The instructions will also tell you the final dimensions of the standee and if there are any special conditions (e.g., one of the standees I built was supposed to give access to the back so people could go behind it to take pictures through a gap). Knowing this type of info in advance helps you and the theater figure out where to put the thing when it's built.

Don't forget to bring printed copies of your letter of authorization and the Install Report. You can print and bring the standee directions, but there should be a printed copy delivered with the standee, too - I've never needed to print my own.
2. Check the tracking info on MarketForce's website so you know when your standee has been delivered.
3. When you arrive at the theater find a manager. I either find one at an information desk or I go to the ticket counter and the employee there calls one. Explain to the manager which standee you're there to build. The manager will let you know if it's a good time and if there's room for the new standee or if the standee will have to be completed at a later date (in which case you say thanks and politely take your leave). If the manager okays the install then, with the manager's help, choose a location to put it. Some of the theaters I've been to have one large lobby area where they put standees; some have them all along the hallways. Also with the manager's help choose a location to build the standee. Most of the time you'll need a fairly large area to assemble them - you'll probably need to be able to lay the entire thing down flat - so try not to get stuck in a corner or narrow hall. Also try not to be too far from the final location because these things tend to be large and awkward when assembled.
4. The theater will probably have a closet somewhere with all of the standees waiting to be built in it. The manager (or a designated employee) should show you where they're kept. The standees come in large, fairly flat boxes that can weigh anywhere from 20 - 50 pounds so be prepared to lug it to your assembly spot.
5. Once you're set up in your assembly location the employees generally leave you alone other than maybe asking what you're building. Theater patrons also stop by sometimes to ask what you're building, and I've had several people ask other questions about how to become an installer and what the theater does with the standees when they're no longer needed. Be polite to everyone.
6. When you're finished clean up the assembly area - all scraps of paper and bits of cardboard should be disposed of and the box should be removed. What you do with the box can vary from theater to theater - one theater I work with usually wants to take the boxes to their own dumpster. One theater has an open cardboard dumpster behind the building so I usually fold the box up, take it with me, and drive around the building to drop it in myself. Once or twice I've just brought the box home with me and recycled it myself.
7. After the assembly find a manager again, have them print their name and sign the Install Report, and head home. Shortly after leaving the theater, regardless of whether the standee was installed, go back to MarketForce's website and fill out the online install report. The information in the online report exactly matches the printed one - including the manager's name, so make sure you can read the printed name. File the paper report in case it's needed at some later point (none of mine ever have been) and wait for the money to show up!
One last note - get to know the theaters that you do installs at. Get a sense for when they run special events and when they're fairly slow. For example, one of the theaters I go to does All-Shows-$5 every Tuesday so they tend to be busy on Tuesdays and the managers usually won't do installs that day. I try not to schedule myself for an install at that theater on Tuesdays and we're both happier.
Hope this helps and makes it a little less intimidating - if you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll do my best to help you out! Also, follow MarketForce on Facebook - they're usually pretty responsive to questions there and also sometimes post info on upcoming projects.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/11/2016 04:05AM by Silverlock.