Snap Audits

What, do you work for them or something? I don't know why they did it that way. They called me asking me if I wanted a bunch of CVS jobs, the max being 25. I hadn't even filled out my W9 for them yet. I sent that to them this morning because I guess they forgot. Yes, I can log into my portal, but that's useless in my opinion. I don't see anywhere to input a project or answer questions. Nothing.

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Did you click on the awarded tab up at the top? Sorry, trying to start with the very basic right now. smiling smiley
Come on Tammy! What's the point of leaving phone number here when you never pick up your call.

Guys, they added more things in the audit and paying less then what they paid at the time of Castforce. They know how to make fool people.
I just tried calling you, but it was busy. We heave actually spoke before because your name showed up when I dialed your number.
I had accepted two gift card stocking and greeting card revision assignments that involved merchandising. Each paid $129. I wrote and asked them questions and did not receive a reply. It has been about a week and now my due date has passed. I was supposed to receive packages by the 10th so I could work on the 11th but nothing ever came. The stores had not seen the materials either. The initial email said not to worry if I only received one packaged instead of two because the other would be with the store. Nada here or there. Still no reply. I hope I don't get a flake on this because I wrote asking to be removed from the project since my materials never arrived at my home or the area stores. On a related note, I visited a third location I had debated on picking up and saw that their materials were already installed and awaiting a merchandiser. I dunno? May be a great company but my things never got here. Of course, this could just be the client not shipping out those materials but after reading the forum I've became leery. I was trying to move more towards $25-$50+ shops and get away from my usual $5-$10 shops and earn extra for Christmas smiling smiley

The 129 visit does not have packages sent to you. It is a 300 lb display sent to the store.
Oh, that's my specialty. Is that CVS's new makeup display? I have installed many for Match. I would love to do those.
I called the Hotline and got all of my answers.

By the way, thanks for coming on here and helping out Tammy, we appreciate it.
I would n t be paid to lie like other posts that snap audits is legit
T(Sc)ammy Little
And abruptly fired not canceled
How many people are being abruptly prevented at accessing your portal
Does snap audits treat everyone with respect huh
Is snap audits fair huh
"Abuse and modest pay" is the philosophy

Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/2016 09:59PM by WHzl.
For anyone being remotely insane enough to do business PLEASE RUN WHILE YOU CAN. The paperwork at the store that the manager says that they contracted with C@$T and you are being hired and will never be paid by the same company doing business under another name that we are discussing here. They do not pay, they do not answer the phone, their business address is a mailbox. It makes NO DIFFERENCE if the assignment pays $5 or $129.... your not going to be paid a penny at all. The paperwork that the store managers have says.... "If your store does not receive a visit from C@$T by 10/9, please call the C@$t Hotline at 1-888-287-4287, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
FURTHER.... if you still have any the company and read the reviews of former employees. RUN!!!
Hard to believe a reputable pharmacy company does business with these clowns.
They are scammers, no hiring process, no training but a lot of pics, a lot of questions. They never approve any project you have done, They make excuses and we don't get pay.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/13/2016 07:55PM by Masedev2.
Deleted by poster.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/13/2016 06:01AM by goldrunner.
Yes, Likely the Attorney General in California and other states has issues with your practices.
CASTFORCE INC: Faces "Rodriguez" Suit Over Failure to Pay OT
Rafael Rodriguez, individually and on behalf of all others
similarly situated v. Castforce, Inc., Case No. 1:15-cv-03087-MHS
(N.D. Ga., September 1, 2015), is brought against the Defendant
for failure to pay overtime wages in violation of the Fair Labor
Standard Act.

Castforce, Inc. represents itself as a "network for independent
contractors dedicated to providing professional retail services."

The Plaintiff is represented by:

Mitchell D. Benjamin, Esq.
Charles R. Bridgers, Esq.
Matthew W. Herrington, Esq.
3100 Centennial Tower
101 Marietta Street, NW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Telephone: (404) 979-3150
Facsimile: (404) 979-3170
Tammy I have been trying to call you for three days now please return my call Suzanne pirdy
Another rep went to a CVS store in North Carolina and after spending all day left the store with the job only partially complete. The old clear pegs were still on the new Store Of The Future display and no new tags were used. In the back room were the new black pegs. I walked in the store to do another project and the store manager told me how disappointed she was with the work. After a quick phone call to my territory mamager, I was awarded the assignment for the entire pay and agreed to return on the next Saturday to complete the task. Apparently the previous rep was in over her head and didn't realize the scope of the project at hand, but you do not leave the store at closing time and not check with the manager. Nothing was signed and no photos taken. After working six hours on the corrections, the store manager is now pleased. Some of us are professionals and some are not. If you are not, find another line of work.
The person that was in the store was likely hired to do a "light reset" at $10.50 which like you said wound up being a six to 8 hour deal as the contract and instructions the store manager has is entirely different and more time intense.
So you worked six hours at slave labor and have yet to be paid? Good luck.
@iwahstore wrote:

Another rep went to a CVS store in North Carolina and after spending all day left the store with the job only partially complete. The old clear pegs were still on the new Store Of The Future display and no new tags were used. In the back room were the new black pegs. I walked in the store to do another project and the store manager told me how disappointed she was with the work. After a quick phone call to my territory mamager, I was awarded the assignment for the entire pay and agreed to return on the next Saturday to complete the task. Apparently the previous rep was in over her head and didn't realize the scope of the project at hand, but you do not leave the store at closing time and not check with the manager. Nothing was signed and no photos taken. After working six hours on the corrections, the store manager is now pleased. Some of us are professionals and some are not. If you are not, find another line of work.

"Apparently the previous rep was in over her head and didn't realize the scope of the project at hand". Well this is very easy to happen with Snap because they inform you very little of what the project entails. Then they change it and then they change the pay and dates. They change what ever they want. I did the CVS resets that were suppose to be "light" as they say but turned into "full" resets. I have worked the CVS prepaid cards for years but I was overwhelmed with my first couple stores on this reset. I can only imagine someone without years of experience. Snap should give the scope of the project instead of giving BS. I worked my first couple of stores for less then $4.50 an hour but promised they would pay for the extra time and what did I get extra NOTHING! Ben is a Liar don't trust him.

I went into my first store with the supervisor telling me how she was happy to see me back and she's tired of seeing reps come in looking "like a deer caught in headlights"! Well I ended up looking the same. What the hell is Prism, etc?? Snap didn't inform you. They only had paper to print off tags for the main so I had to do what I could to with the secondary. Of course over half of the secondary wasn't tagged. So now they are upset because they can't even tag them now because the stores don't even have the POG we set them to.

I have spent years building my reputation and Snap/Cast has hurt it. I was at a local CVS as a customer and was called out by a manager as doing a terrible job on a reset!!!! She said I reset the displays wrong because they weren't set to the POG she had. She couldn't tag the secondary and it was my fault. So all I can say is if the company isn't professional then how can you???

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/23/2016 05:15AM by bethmar224.
After months of deliberation, I had finally signed up for Snap. After these stories, I know to never work for them. I've reviewed the projects in my area and they are all expected to take an hour for $10.50. IF it took an hour, I wouldn't do it for only $10.50. But after reading these stories, and knowing it would take longer, I especially won't do it. This is why I love this forum! I'm so glad you all share your stories to save other people from the headache. smiling smiley
If you are working in Walmart or Target anyway, for your main gig or other gigs, and you need to apply some coupons and "New" product tags, then these make sense. It takes longer to get a Walmart Manager's signature on their paperwork then it does to complete these assignments. NOTE; This is the ONLY Company around anymore that requires a Walmart Manager signature, for my area anyway. That would be except for Match Converge for their cosmetic resets but I don't do those anymore, they have some scuzzy gals who don't have a car or whose cars break down doing those in my area.
I am satisfied with SNAP so far. I think the website is easy to understand. Submitting reports is quick. So- - - - so far I am happy. Signed, Night Owl at 2:58 PM.
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