I completely understand this happens all the time, but in fairness to use being legal IC's, we should be told about it, offered new details, and the chance to decline or think about it, even if it's time sensitive; if it's that sensitive, then pay up regardless of the change. We are all helping one another. The more a company does for me, the more I will do for them. Some companies have really given me a hard time before a job is done-I won't go out of my way for them, if I even choose to accept a job. Other companies, and I will name a couple of outstanding relationships, Amusement Advantage and Goodwin Hospitality... they work with me super well and that makes me want to do the best job ever (which I want anyway) and to take over when there's something they just cannot find someone to help out with. I used to to this with BestMark, but they changed people working with me after about 7 years as a part-time employee... it's rare for me to accept a job because I am nothing to them, or so it seems. Oops. Got off track. All in all, business to business, especially a company like Snap Audits that absolutely will not work with you without the IC proof (I have NOTHING NEGATIVE TO SAY ABOUT THEM, BTW), you have to be as accountable as I am.
In fact, if I screw up and they will dock my pay, then I believe it would be fair to invoice them the same way when they change what they said would be done by either party-we all have good reasons, right? OR: pay as earned. Really. Let me know there's a problem from their client's end and let me decide if I care about that client enough to do something they won't do-accept less money for the same, less, or more work than originally contracted for.