That's possible, coolhandluke74. I've never asked. The regional manager calls me for assignments and I usually take them. I don't know anyone in my area that works for Cast or Snap Audits, I live in an anal area when it comes to merchandisers. They're not exactly share-sy-ish. I have to really try hard to get them to even talk to me or each other. There's just a handful of merchandisers that I know from the area where we exchanged emails, phone numbers and jobs we can't take, most others are walking through a revolving door. The woman who trained me for Acosta said none of the other merchandisers she sees speak to her, even others that work for Acosta. She seemed sad about that. However, when we were talking about the new resetters for United Grocers, she said two of them came of to talk to her and asked her about what she does for Acosta. She said to me that she thought they were nosey and it was none of their business....and....they should mind their own business and she seemed angry. Weird!. Soooo, there ya go! I say hi and try and talk to all of them, even if just momentarily.
Yea, I did the Bissell and recently the Purnell. I just love those assignments. I tell my area manager to give ALL of those assignments to me, even the travel ones, or none at all; I get them all. One of the areas that has been said, on this forum, that Snap Audits isn't allowed to do business in happens to be the area in which I live so I know a lot of info about them is just bull$hit.