Mine are currently:
5/18/2017 Awaiting Approval $10.50 6/16/2017
5/12/2017 Awaiting Approval $11.50 6/16/2017
5/12/2017 Awaiting Approval $11.50 6/16/2017
5/12/2017 Awaiting Approval $11.50 6/16/2017
5/11/2017 Awaiting Approval $11.50 6/16/2017
5/21/2017 Awaiting Approval $11.50 6/16/2017
5/21/2017 Awaiting Approval $11.50 6/16/2017
So, this tells me that they've obviously quality checked these and have submitted them to the client for payment.
The "Awaiting Approval" is a misnomer. Their system should have a "Approved, waiting for payment" status, but it does not. So, "Awaiting Approval" is the same status for two stages: Awaiting approval from quality control and then awaiting approval for payment. However, they don't move the invoice from a "named" status to a different "named" status. I told them that this causes merchandisers to fret so either they don't care about that and how it affects their business or there's nothing they can do about it in their system.
However, I have these completed one day earlier:
5/10/2017 Approved $11.50 6/16/2017
5/10/2017 Approved $11.50 6/16/2017
5/10/2017 Approved $11.50 6/16/2017
5/10/2017 Approved $11.50 6/16/2017
This, to me looks like they only work through they 10th of the month and then take off to go to the Bahamas or something.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/27/2017 12:38PM by spicy1.