I am in a power chair so I have to be selective in the sorts of projects I take on but doing the Gift Card servicing has become second nature to me. I have even been able to completely set up a new display from just out of the box. My problem is Castforce went away and I have not been able to reach the Cast folks.
From what I gather several companies do this for different chains, For example, the Wal-Mart stores might be with one client, Blackhawk may be responsible for other chains, and they divide up their work between multiple merchandising companies.
I cover a wide area of rural southern appalachia in the Blue Ridge and Great Smokey Mountain national park in GA, SC & NC. I would really appreciate knowing what doors I need to go knock on as the loss of Castforce has really hurt me in 2016.
Big Ed
Mystery shopping in the Great Smokey & Blue Ridge Mountain ranges of Southern Appalachia (GA, NC, SC, & TN)