All the new people for an entire year were brand new to resets.
Obviously none of them had done cosmetic resets.
Match Converge is doing the Albertson's now and they hired people who said they worked in retail but it's not possible because they're at 4 hours per foot! Only one could barely read a planogram and she still mucked it up; I spent 3 hours fixing her Almay (which she spent 15 hours setting) because she had moved all the trays closer together because SHE THOUGHT IT LOOKED BETTER THAT WAY.....LOL.
I not only reported back but also reported that the reps were yelling at me when they're frustrated.
My area manager believed their lies.
They show up late and many times don't show up at all. She lets them come back it seems no matter what.
They talk ALL DAY about all the crap happening in their lives and it's like they're not moving (working) when they're talking. It's a trip to watch.
Sure, when the area manager showed up to train them they didn't take not even one break. (Still late tho).
Sure, when the area manager showed up to train them they were dusting the sets.
Sure, when the area manager showed up to train them they DIDN'T SPEAK AT ALL except about the sets.
Sure, when the area manager showed up to train them they didn't talk on the phone for the usual 3 hours.
They lied and told her that I was yelling at them.
Well, I sent her an email telling her that I'm a Mystery Shopper and I own a PV500.
I have proof that they were yelling at me and generally throwing temper tantrums and threatening to walk off the job because I was telling them that they had to dust. I personally don't give a rats ass if they dust. I don't want to dust either, it's pretty gross actually. But you have to dust and clean or the Store Manager won't sign off on the form.
I wish I had family here to call on. I had to quit. She can pay them $40 a foot instead of $9 a foot to me.