Anyone else work today?

I had to do a POG reset at 6am today. What joy. Store lost two of the boxes of the product to be put back out on display, company sent the wrong POG, for a wall display, not one for a freestanding fixture. The clearance product was ringing up full price. On the plus side, it was for an hourly rate and the company never has had any problem with paying whatever time it takes. Plus, I did snag some Xmas clearance at 75% off as I was leaving. Hated getting up at 5am, but, what can you do?

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I tried to negotiate some bonuses for some distant locations for one MSC, but they wouldn't budge off the low rate, even though it's near the deadline for the month and for the year, for that matter. Their loss.
The company I just quit was happy with a 80% project completion rate. At 95% they were delirious. Some stores/projects were just doomed. Go cheap, don't "Gitter done"
Me, Me! I got a call for a nicely bonused burger shop - either today or tomorrow - I did today. Must have had a shopper flake on them. My luck! smiling smiley.
I did 2 merchandising jobs with a $30 bonus on each. If I would have gotten off my butt on Saturday the bonus would have been $40 each. The jobs were quick - only an hour or two.

~~*~~*~~*~~ kal ~~*~~*~~*~~
Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just forget to load the film.
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