Dear Santa

Dear Santa,
Please leave me a list of merchandising companies that do not do any work in Walmart or dollar stores. The usual payoff of double chocolate cookies and Kalauha coffee will be in the regular location.
To a new year without Wal-Martians,

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smiling smiley Please make that one person i've always loved ask me to come back, forever, before we both die. ..after that vacation in nov in orange county, I SOOOOOOOOOOOO neeeeeeeeeeeed him!
Dear Santa, Please do your magic and turn one of those scam emails into a real opportunity (with the same pay as the scam). Also, please let me know which one is yours so that I don't get fooled.

Shopping across Indiana but mostly around Indianapolis.
Dear Santa,
Please reward all the people who try to rip people off like us with coal and 14K modems for Christmas so they can't reach out to us.
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