Hey, I want to break it down point-by-point, castforce versus cast retail. I think some people have forgotten some of the things that went on with castforce.
Number 1. With castforce you had to select your jobs when they send out in the blast. If you didn't get to the blast quickly enough, you were taking jobs that were a long way from your house or not taking any jobs at all. With cast retail they give you the assigned stores and you'll get them over and over again.
Number 2. Once you get your jobs from castforce, you then have to print out a whole bunch of information including the specs, the invoice, the forms everything.that is time-consuming and also uses ink and paper. None of that is compensated for. With cast retail, you do all the paperwork in the store and no numbering the photos or any other extra steps such as getting a signature from a manager.
Number 3 once you got all your paperwork printed out, then you take it into the store and you have to fill it out. you have to get someone to sign it and you have to do all that correctly or you will have to go back to the store and do it a second time.
Number 4. Once you finished all your work and hopefully had your pictures which had to each be tagged with a number specific to the store and specific to the job and that has to be done while you're in the store, you had to take everything home and enter it into your computer.
Number 5. Once you enter all your work into the computer which can take quite a bit of time and is not compensated for, you then need to do a separate step where you upload every invoice for every job you had. There is always a chance that they can't read the invoice or you have to enter it again or they didn't get it or something so that can even be more time.
Number 6. I think a lot of people have forgotten the steps you had to do for the QC people. Sometimes those steps were fair and it was your mistake and you had to correct it. Sometimes it was the QC persons misunderstanding of what was required that cause you to have to go all the way back to the store and do the job over again when it wasn't really necessary. That could happen quite a bit and if you didn't do that, you did not get paid for that job.
You were getting paid per job and some jobs could go quickly. Other jobs could take a while and maybe the amount of money you got didn't really cover the amount of work you did. However if you added up all the time you spent printing, getting her paperwork together, turning your job, entering your invoices, following up with anything that didn't go through correctly the first time, that is a whole lot of time that makes a short job longer and makes the amount of compensation you receive not quite as good as you were thinking originally.
I think this is similar to people who talk about the good ol Days where there was no electronics to fool with and things were simpler but you forget how much time you spent on different things, like printing out MapQuest papers to every store because you didn't have GPS or whatever. The past is not always the best.