CasinoMan, you are so right with all you've posted.
I finally waved the white flag of surrender.
Started last week when I was sick for 2 days. God forbid anyone return a phone call as per usual. I was getting spammed with overdue job emails, "glitchy" unscheduled emails, and good email about unscheduled work. I was scheduled 6 hours a day 6 - 7 days a week and still the unscheduled jobs were piling up with no way in the world to schedule them. Literally, 18+ emails every 12 hours.
I sat last Friday night with pencil and planner, rearranging jobs on paper, using every .25 of an hour I could, to schedule myself out solid for 3 weeks. Took me an hour and a half of MY time. And still had unscheduled jobs. And still came the emails. Honestly, I didn't sleep at all Friday night. I've been doing this for over 10 years and have never had such a stressful part time job. EVER.
So much for 26 hours a week. It was a minimum of 30. Add in drive time? We're talking a full time job here. And I knew there was no way in the world CAST would make this right. I have another merchandising job and I'm certainly not going to quit a very good company, with an excellent manager, a company with INTEGRITY ... to work for this *whatever*.
So, knowing the reduced pay rule, I nonetheless emailed Saturday morning. Made assurances I would finish out the weekend scheduled jobs "meeting all objectives" and I was done. Meaning, I wasn't going to sit in a parking lot for 2 hours staring off into space, mad because I could have been doing something else productive.
(Anyone reading from CAST, you've by now figured out who I am.)
I noticed when I logged in this morning my paystubs were all zeroed out. I've got no idea if that was retribution or a system glitch. I was expecting (naive, I know) to be able to see all the jobs removed, all the stores removed, and to have access to my portal until pay posted. Wrong. I tried to log in this afternoon to see about payroll and I'm totally blocked out.
Word to the wise: keep a log book of your projects and your times. You may need them.
Best decision I ever made. I tried to be all unicorns and rainbows for 3 months and it just kept getting worse.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/14/2016 11:19PM by adlib.