Generally they are known for expecting a lot of work for little pay, and they pay with a stupid debit card instead of cash. Some people like to use debit cards; I'm not one of them. I want a record of all my transactions so I pay checks and credit cards for everything.
The last encounter I had with them they took three pay cycles to pay me for a "drop everything and do it now" gift card "tidy up" at a local grocer. For what little I had to do (there wasn't much to tidy up) the $40 was pretty good pay but i probably spent another hour writing emails trying to get them to pay me and then they paid me on that damn card after I had decided i wasn't going to work for them any more because of the debit card thing.
most of the time I was doing merchandising jobs at the local wal mart. The local wal mart is small and understaffed and it always took longer than they said it would.
if I'd known then what I know now i would never have worked for them. But your mileage may vary. If you don't object to the payment card thing (other than that $40 issue, they paid reasonably quickly without any issues; they tell you when payday is and were never late that i can recall) give it a try. The jobs they have in your area may be more reasonable than the ones i had to do.
The one you described is about typical of their offerings, usually working out to about $11 per hour and the reports are usually fairly straightforward. If you do the same jobs over and over, you'll get faster. Be sure to get the "before" pictures before you do anything else. it's easy to forget.
Time to build a bigger bridge.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/21/2015 05:39PM by dspeakes.