@DNinCA wrote:
Sounds awesome - you know what is said ... "Love what you do and the money will follow." You might want to share your insight with others of us who are still "looking" for that direction to head. I've been reminded by others that shoppers work hard to find good opportunities and aren't keen on letting their secrets out ... but I believe that there is work out there for all of us in some capacity. The cream rises to the top for the some shoppers ... but that doesn't mean that other shoppers who don't get 10's don't have a place in the MS world. I'd love to hear about what you do and why you are so successful!
@jrossetti wrote:
Not all people are like this. A good shopper who does good work isn't going to lose any money to helping out a new shopper.
*-*-*- (jRossetti, I am a new shopper and I would love some help. Would you give me some, please?) *-*-*-
I do video for cash, written for life enhancement, and I like to spread the gift of knowledge to all. Every person I get convince and help direct into successful working for them and not the man is a good day for me. I'm all about the hustle. When I went through my first class and learned about doing routes that paid 10k im like whaaat. My record is now a route that paid 15k. That's thousand, with a T and I'm the guy telling the story to new people.
*-*-*- (I am a new people...and I love to hear stories such as yours.) *-*-*-
I think one of my proudest moments is hearing from two people I met from the East coast. One girl I got involved with shopping and my airbnb hustle and the other I got into my shopping and amazon stuff. Hearing them talk about how their life changed since they met me and all I did was give them resources and cheer them on with encouragement. Hearing things like that makes it all worthwhile when you get like 80 other people who ask you about it and then don't even end up doing a single job even though you took 30-60 minutes talking to them and trying to give them companies and such.
*-*-*-(I would never! I will never take your time and then do nothing ~ I work hard, when I have it ~ I will take your transferred knowledge, and I will run with it. Please PM me.) *-*-*-
******* ***** ***** *****
To the World You Just Might Be One Person,
But to One Person, You JUST Might Be THE WORLD!
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@AuburnHarleyMama wrote:
@jrossetti wrote:
Not all people are like this. A good shopper who does good work isn't going to lose any money to helping out a new shopper.
Hey Auburn, just got around to seeing this. What are you looking for exactly?
CEO The Mystery Shoppers Depot
US Wide route shopper with 12k+ shops completed over 48 states and 6 countries.
Airbnb host based in Chicago and 10% discount if you mention this forum