Retail Integrity

Retail Integrity just migrated from a portal system (Natural Insight) to assign/ report jobs to an app called Gigwalk. Problem is you must have a smartphone or tablet with wifi to use it. All reporting is now done live in store with GPS verification.

Anyone use Gigwalk ( before? Like? Dislike? Thoughts?

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Gigwalk is great. There are actually a LOT of companies using it. Search the word apps on here and you will see many more.
Looks like there will be lots of companies I won't be working for. This technology is fine in areas that have good WIFI coverage, but, I refer to most of the areas I work in as 3rd world communications locations. Some days I don't even have a cell signal, or can't hold it if I do succeed in making a call to the boss.
Cindy55 you sound like we could be neighbors smiling smiley
I have the same issues with connections because it is a rural area. The companies that are going to the type of technology that requires a smart phone will find that they will be limiting their labor pool in rural areas because the coverage is so spotty it isn't worth getting a smart phone. They may have to just settle for a "warm body" instead of someone with experience.
I received the same information from Retail Integrity and there is no point in even responding as I will not be buying a smart phone just to compete with the one other rep they have in the area for the very limited assignments here. Not worth it for me.
I have done one job for them since they switched. We are now IC's instead of employees and will now get paid by PayPal. They are also suppose to pay within a few days of completing the job. I just did mine yesterday so I will see how long it takes to get paid now. One thing I don't like about Gig walk is you don't have much time to complete the job after being assigned. They have also accepted me for a job and pulled it before I got a chance to do it. That company wasn't Retail Integrity though.
I was glad someone mentioned it in another post. I had worked for Retail Integrity for 2 years and stopped accepting assignments for a month. They deleted my account and I had not been able to get any response from my area manager. Downloaded Gigwalk today and had 7 assignments in minutes. (all for Retail Integrity)
I've been using Gigwalk on my Android for a few months and have done some 'gigs' for Retail Integrity since they appeared on there as well. I do live in a very small town that some might feel is a almost rural but I hope I'm a bit more useful than just a warm body. grinning smiley

The one big complaint I have is the useless "instant chat" client (scheduler) messaging system that's anything but. Most of the time you send a message to a client via the app you never get a reply. I don't know if that's because they don't see a notification on their 'dashboard' or simply because they're not paying attention, but either way it has caused me a few headaches and it's irritating. However, it's also an issue GW is well aware of and they're thinking about how they can improve things. I've found Gigwalk's own support folks are normally very quick to help.

One very good thing is just how fast you get paid. I often get paid within a few days of completing a gig and it's rarely more than a week later. I think the longest I've had to wait is maybe two weeks when there was a hiccup between GW and PayPal.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2013 09:41PM by YooNoHoo.
I have now done more jobs for Retail Integrity in one week using Gigwalk than I normally did in a month when they used Natural Insights. Maybe my competition doesn't use Gigwalk. I don't know her but I know her name as it was about the only other name I saw in the vendor log book for them.
pamala Wrote:
> I have now done more jobs for Retail Integrity in
> one week using Gigwalk than I normally did in a
> month when they used Natural Insights. Maybe my
> competition doesn't use Gigwalk. I don't know her
> but I know her name as it was about the only other
> name I saw in the vendor log book for them.

Hi Pamala,

Out of curiosity, are you getting the same money as you used to?
some GIGWALKS are actually a LOT more.
And zero paperwork. Absolutely zero.

YooNoHoo Wrote:
> pamala Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I have now done more jobs for Retail Integrity
> in
> > one week using Gigwalk than I normally did in a
> > month when they used Natural Insights. Maybe my
> > competition doesn't use Gigwalk. I don't know
> her
> > but I know her name as it was about the only
> other
> > name I saw in the vendor log book for them.
> Hi Pamala,
> Out of curiosity, are you getting the same money
> as you used to?
A couple of them have been more pay, but the majority have been the same pay. I never printed out paper work for them anyway as I always did my report while I was in the store. If I can downloadn it to my phone I dont print it unless I need a managers signature.
Thanks for the reply!

It's good to know they didn't reduce their hourly rates when they made the move to GW since it was a window of opportunity to do so since so many GW app users won't have worked for them before. It's not very high but could be a lot worse.
I have done a few gigs for various companies via GigWalk without a problem, but then, I had no questions on those. Yesterday, I had 5 giggs for Retail Integrity at two locations of the same big discount superstore. I sent several messages to RI and one to GW, but received only radio silence. With no reply, I decided to finish the first assignment, but it took three hours instead of the one they allotted. As a result, I was unable to finish the two gigs at the second store. Very frustrating.
At one time, I worked with four companies on Natural Insight. It was my favorite merchandising website. Retail Integrity switched over to Gigwalk while I was out of town. Being new to smartphones, this was my very first app. I couldn't get it to download. Neither could a local teenager nor the staff at the cell phone store. A few days later, it suddenly appeared, asking for my password. I waited a couple of days until I was sure which email address it wanted. I found two assignments close by and applied for them. Seven days later, I learned that they weren't given to me. There are few people around here who do merchandising like this. I probably am just misreading the information although I clicked everywhere to study the app, but I cannot tell which company had those assignments. There was also no description. Placing IRC's isn't hard to figure out. Two assignments, even if I had gotten them, isn't enough. How often am I supposed to check, daily? I had frequent assignments with Retail Integrity and didn't have to "bid" for them. Is it true that there is mystery shopping on Gigwalk, too? I seem to remember someone talking about that.
My biggest frustration is the lack of communication. If you have a question, you won't get a reply or answer. They are also vague in instructions on what you need to bring in store to complete job. Finally, it takes them longer than most companies to pay out
Sandra Sue Wrote:
. How often am I
> supposed to check, daily? I had frequent
> assignments with Retail Integrity and didn't have
> to "bid" for them. Is it true that there is
> mystery shopping on Gigwalk, too? I seem to
> remember someone talking about that.

Yes there are mystery shops, but it seems mostly price checks, audits and taking pictures. They actually want you to check every few hours! Looks like this isn't going to work for me. From reading all the information I found on the Web, it looks like they are looking for the mall crawlers that are at the mall anyway, but they don't reply quick enough for it to work for anyone to make a living at this.
Sandra Sue Wrote:
> At one time, I worked with four companies on
> Natural Insight. It was my favorite merchandising
> website. Retail Integrity switched over to
> Gigwalk while I was out of town. Being new to
> smartphones, this was my very first app. I
> couldn't get it to download. Neither could a
> local teenager nor the staff at the cell phone
> store. A few days later, it suddenly appeared,
> asking for my password. I waited a couple of days
> until I was sure which email address it wanted. I
> found two assignments close by and applied for
> them. Seven days later, I learned that they
> weren't given to me. There are few people around
> here who do merchandising like this. I probably
> am just misreading the information although I
> clicked everywhere to study the app, but I cannot
> tell which company had those assignments. There
> was also no description. Placing IRC's isn't hard
> to figure out. Two assignments, even if I had
> gotten them, isn't enough. How often am I
> supposed to check, daily? I had frequent
> assignments with Retail Integrity and didn't have
> to "bid" for them. Is it true that there is
> mystery shopping on Gigwalk, too? I seem to
> remember someone talking about that.

They let you know within an hour if you received the gig sometimes sooner. Check your notifications on Gigwalk after an hour. After you do about 3 or 4 gigs for Retail Integrity, you get the equivilant of self assign with them. You don't know which company it is until you have been assigned the gig. If you click on details, it will give you the description of the assignment. You can check as often as you like, they come out with new gigs all the time.
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