Hello Weatherman. I clicked on the times-news link and it was very similar to what you've been posting here. I understand from your posts that they deposited $4,000 to your account and then withdrew it. Please tell us the reason it was withdrawn. Was it deposited to your account in error? Was it payment for jobs you actually completed? Was this $4,000 a one time deposit or did it consist of accumulated payments the company decided to withdraw? If it was a one time deposit how did that happen? Did you do $4,000 worth of work in one pay cycle? I just don't understand what's going on here. Of course, I can understand you are extremely upset about losing $4,000 but please give us some details on how this happened. Assuming they actually owed you this money for work performed to guidelines, could you not file charges for theft? If not, why not?
Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.