You would report the time you actually spent but would get paid the $14.
There are some merchandising companies where you can get paid very well if they pay by the projects and you are fast. (These are companies where you get hired on as an employee, not the one-time projects like on Marketforce, I have found those to pay very low for the amount of work.) For example, I work for one company and we get project pay for 12 hours per week. Their estimate is that it will take me 6 hours, twice a week. Most weeks I am done in 2 hours each visit, for a total of 4 hours. They only pay $10/hour, but since they pay project pay, I get $120 for those 4 hours. If the company paid by the hour, I would only be paid $40 (but then I would probably work much slower, LOL)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/07/2013 03:59AM by rainy.