This morning, email from Marketforce/ CFA Help:
Dear ,
As you are probably aware, The SPAR Group has acquired the assets of the Market Force Merchandising and Audit Division. All Merchandising and Audit assignments will be moved to the SPAR platform in April, but all assignments currently on the Certified Field Associate (CFA) portal ( can be accepted, completed, and reported.
It is important to know that ALL THEATRE ASSIGNMENTS WILL CONTINUE TO BE AVAILABLE ON THE CFA PORTAL. You remain an independent contractor for Market Force Information, and may continue to log into the CFA portal for current assignments. After the Merchandising and Auditing assignments move to the SPAR contractor platform, Market Force will continue to offer a wide range of theatre assignments through this portal, and your CFA login information will not change.
We thank you for your continued use of the CFA portal.
I was banned from the other side on my second assignment, cause I mixed up the pictures for 2 gas stations way back when. I guess I won't get email for that. Haven't worked for these either in ages