Merchandising Reset Jobs

Is anyone doing merchandising reset jobs? I did several last month and would like to do more. I believe MarketForce has them but don't want to work for them based on what I've read and past experience with them. Anyone working for other companies? Thanks.

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I have done a couple jobs for Certified/Market Force. They don't pay well at all. They also don't always give the bonus they promise.

I have done merch reset jobs for several other companies. You might take a look at the other threads in the merchandising area to see what is said about other merch companies.
I've done several merchandising jobs for Market Force and have never had a problem with canceling or payments.
I am a team lead with Convergence. Always looking for good people. Unfortunately in this business, the work is never steady...kind of hit or miss. But Convergence has done me right with mileage and a real job!! Kind of slow for work at the moment, but will kick back into gear Jan or so. They also have a division called Wall to Wall...overnights I think. SASR another company....lots of shout outs....but it seems they are always posting like the night before....but keep asking to get assigned and eventually you get on their list. The trick here is to register with many companies and then watch your emails and DO NOT wait to reply as positions fill QUICK!!
I like resets, too, and usually find them with Certified Field Associates. Problem is they pay peanuts. Can be worth it if you can schedule several in the same area (like I did this week) or in between mystery shops.

Does Set & Service or Convergence offer temporary resets like CFA or are they permanent weekly visits?
Thanks, everyone. I was working for MarketForce until they deactivated me and I never knew why. I had called to do a reset at a large department store and the department manager told me not to come because they were preparing for a huge store-wide event and it just wouldn't be convenient. I let MarketForce know right away and then was deactivated. This was probably two years ago. I just recently contacted them to find out why and they "claim" they couldn't verify what I told them. I have seen a whole lot of negative comments about them and I believe that to not contact someone to let them know there is an issue is extremely unprofessional and inconsiderate and makes me wonder whether they actually called the store and talked to the department manager. I would bet not.
I still work for Certified/Market Force and have had problems the past 2 years. Market Force is still some what trust worthy, but do not trust Certified. Make sure you get a conformation on any job they bonused or you will get screwed. Also their job descriptions do not tell you everything that is required for a job. A $8 job capped at 1 hr could take ! !/2 hrs or more if you do the job the way they want it done.
SPAR Inc has a couple of different merchanding gigs in my area. I do a number of Healthmart pharmacies each month as a permanent part-time job. I also work for another arm of SPAR that does monthly jobs at Family Dollar, etc.

I keep the number of locations on my route limited to part-time, although you can take as many as they will let you. I'm not sure if this is an IC status job or not. They do withhold Disability Insurance, but not taxes.

Pay is okay and payment is like clockwork. Pharmacy jobs pay until the job is done. The retail stores are usually flat rate jobs. The management team is nice and easy to work with.
SASR burned me twice! once for $80.00 before that, sent me 90 miles away, to do overnight resets 3 safeways, 9pm, to 5am , sent me out at 2am at 2;30 am all three stores, few days later did the $80.00 one on, my own,30 miles from my house, took 2 hours, went to load report, was told dont do it, was fired for my e-mail, complaint,about the over night, I said," I already did it, now what" was told to not contact them again..removed,blocked. no pay.
I Like Market Force, As long as you, use phone, not website, to comunicate with scheduler, ask for extra pay, for jobs that take longer, they pay me., well.Beware of -> crossmark.
An email comfirmation on the agreed pay rate is good insurance to have with Market Force. Actually it is good insurance with any company.
IrishMiss Wrote:
> I've done several merchandising jobs for Market
> Force and have never had a problem with canceling
> or payments.

Certified calls me when no one else will take the job. I am wise. I did the resets at a supermarket. No one went there for a few months. The display was a disaster and the job was capped at a specific time limit. They want you to work for free no matter how bad the display had been neglected.

I would suggest that you run as fast as possible when Certified Purple offers anything! They throw nickels around like manhole covers.
what can i do to insure that i will get paid by all my mystery shop companies i work for
i have not been getting paid
GRANTJC1, you should ask on the mystery shop area of the forum.

Piled Hip Deep, when I was cutting back on my merchandising I stopped doing Market Force and explained to them that it wasn't worth my time. When they called back a few months later they offered a bonus that makes it worthwhile. Please remember though, I live in the boonies and don't have competition for work at this time. I have serviced stores that have not been cared for in months. When I get there and it is obvious it will take longer than the time alloted I call to get an overtime autorization code. I do not hold any punches when explaining the state of a display. I often take pictures too, I have never had to use them.
I have to give a shout-out to Marketforce & Certified. I've not yet had a problem with pay/bonuses and I am religious in my communication with them. I always update my status & I am not shy to call them if needed. (I'm knocking on wood, here) Many of the Meijer shops take longer than expected, but I just have to call for the overage code. That's my only gripe. They call frequently to fill jobs and I take the ones I can (with bonuses). I see negative posts and I wanted send a reminder not to let a couple of bad experiences sway you off a company.

I like the fast casual shops and try to go about once a month. Sometimes my hubby & I will make a lunch of it, there is plenty of food! It's feeds us both for about $3 after reimbursements. Not bad.
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