AlwaysAngie Wrote:
> LOVE LOVE LOVE merchandising. Much more than
> MSing. Like MSing, there are good and bad
> companies. is a great place to find
> work. I've done Rite Aid merchandising on a
> monthly basis and had a route of locations. I had
> several clients for them. Go in, straighten up,
> order merchandise, inflate balloons. Go home,
> enter a QUICK report and wait for my fat check to
> arrive.
I've done Office Max and Office Depot
> on a regular basis like that, too. I've done huge
> resets at Home Depot and Lowes and got offered a
> full-time job by the manager. LOVED them but I
> can't lift anything heavy due to a car accident so
> I have to pass when I see them now.
I've gotten
> paid hourly or by the job, as an employee with tax
> withheld or an IC where I'm responsible. I've
> gotten paid for mileage as a regular part of the
> job and not. I've also added in a BK shop to get a
> free lunch for my day routes.
> There used to be a number of USER FRIENDLY
> merchandising forums but I think they've gone the
> way of the dinosaur. I think the V horror site has
> a merchandising forum.
Always Angie I need to network with you. Direct me to your private virtual message office, please. Thanks.