I quit mystery shopping, except for one specific client, when the pandemic hit. And I continue to get older (most of you probably do, too), and find it ever more difficult to get around.
But today I decided to do a Five Guys shop (the one client), for the first time in something like 10 months, just because I was kind of craving a burger. Thankfully, it was one of those times where everything was perfect ... I like those. It's nice to be able to give 10s.
But the single shop was enough to make me think of others, make note of the fact I haven't seen Publix on the job boards in a couple of years, and cause me to wonder if they quit doing shops, or perhaps changed companies.
Not that I think I have the energy for Publix shops, anymore, but just wondered if they were still around.
Anyway, for the few that I know/knew around here, ::waves madly::