My intro

I have been doing mystery shops for three or four years now. I am a truck driver by trade but I am home everyday. I am 64 years old I live in the Moody Alabama area. I took retail management in college but I did not graduate. I like doing mystery shops and particularly the gas shops. I am currently doing gig spot and a little of HS Brands. I had done over 500 and 35 shops with Ipsos. I had scheduled shops for Monday and went and done them and when I got back I noticed at the time frame was not kosher. I drove way over 75 miles to do the shops. I changed one receipt with the time. I got fired with Ipsos. I am a Christian who realizes I made a mistake and did wrong. Told Ipsos would never do it again. So far have not been able to get back in.

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If I'm reading correctly that you were banned for falsifying a receipt, I wouldn't count on getting back in. That's a fireable offense for any MSC. Consider it a lesson learned the hard way.

But welcome aboard.

If your path dictates you walk through hell, do it as though you own the place. -unknown

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/2024 12:38AM by drdoggie00.
Welcome. I'm a Christian here, too.

As you've learned, never alter a receipt -- for any reason.

I'm a little unsure if you shopped outside the allowable time or if the receipt time did not match the time you conducted the shop.

If it is the latter, you can simply confirm in your report that the times you've entered are correct and that the receipt time is off. I run into that frequently when I do gas audits. Generally, if it is only an hour or so off, I don't mention it. If it is off more than that, then I make note of it in the report.

If, instead, your problem was that you shopped the wrong hours, most people have probably made the same mistake. If you ever do that again, don't give up on the shop and, as you've realized, don't alter a receipt. Far better to submit the report and explain your mistake. There is one type of shop that company does that I know has a firm time window. I have been on the late end of that window by 5 to 10 minutes due to reasons beyond my control. I noted in my report and my reports were accepted. It really goes back to whether the client will accept it.

It's a painful lesson to learn, and you probably won't get rehired by them - at least not anytime soon. Let it go and move on. Tomorrow is a new day!
How do you change "one receipt with the time"? Have you done 500 jobs with HSBrands and 35 with Ipsos or are you saying you did 535 jobs with Ipsos before this event?

The two ways I can imagine faking a receipt is to either alter the picture of the receipt with software or buy a receipt printer and generate receipts from your computer that have the same look as the merchant to be shopped and then take a picture of that.
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