Greetings from 1_Eval_Dude now on da forum and in da houz

Hello and warmest salutations to all. My nar is Don and I am 1_Eval_Dude, a member of MSPA in good standing and a mystery shopper going on three years now. I just discovered these forums and decided it might be worthwhile to participate in an active community of others in the same line of work.

I am not only a mystery shopper, I wear many many hats and always have something going on. So in addition to secret shopper I am also: An entrepreneur in the academic sense currently actively engaged in bringing a new blockchain start up, a registered Microsoft and Apple applications developer, a poet author with two collections of my poetry currently in print, a children's book author with one title in print and five more in active progress, a local Portland, OR acrylic paint artist and social justice activist.

My claim to fame or notoriety depending on how you look at it is that from 2006-2008 I was the PR and Marketing Manager for the GW Exotic Animal Park/Big Cat Refuge in Wynnewood, OK, owned, operated by the even more notorious Joe Exotic - a.k.a. The Tiger King and once considered him a close personal friend. So for all of you who binged on Netflix during the pandemic and know who I am speaking about: No, I have not seen or spoken with Joe since October 2008; Yes, I have lots and lots of stories; No, I won't be sharing them in these forums; and Yes, beyond any doubt I am thoroughly convinced Carol Baskin is responsible for her husbands disappearance and have found her to be the darkest, calculating, psychopathic person I have ever encountered. Now, that is all out of the way.

My former career was built on 15 years of marketing, advertising and Press Relations. I started out in Leisure travel and eventually migrated into Corporate Travel when that industry began to surge. In 1998 I landed the job which began my foray into the Technology and Software sector as the National Ad Manager for one of the top 5 graphics software developers of that time. I have a proven track record of top grossing catering manager after another shift into the hospitality industry.

In addition to what I listed above, I am researching and exploring how to utilize blockchain technology to improve the shopper experience in this industry. I am sure you will hear more about that in other posts here on the forum.

I am a self-identifying tech-geek, total nerd when it comes to electronics and devices in addition to being an Apple Fan Boy in the cult of Mac since I drank the koolade back in 1998. If you have questions about tech, crypto, blockchain or even Joe, I invite you to contact me by email at: Because when I am on this forum, I am strictly focused on shop talk.

Those of you whose eyes have made it this far down my lengthy and somewhat self-indulgent rant, thank you for being patient enough, curious enough and kind enough to hear me out. I look forward to interacting with you all and combining our experience, strength and wisdom collectively to make this a better industry for us.

Don J Baldwin - 1_Eval_Dude

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WOW!!! Quite a resume you have there. Yes, I did veg on the show and the other shows that followed as well. As far as this forum goes, I am interested in learning more about mystery shopping and merchandising. I have heard that several people actually make a living doing this. I have not completed a shop in years and I just want to test the waters out once again. I would love to hear more about your ideas and using block chain technology for the industry.
First, welcome!!! So many shoppers here with great tips and many years of experience.

I read your post before bed and fell asleep singing the carol.baskin song. Lol. I tried to watch that show and fell asleep on both attempts so technically, never saw it.

Blockchain technology is very interesting indeed. I work with databases and spreadsheets galore all day at my full time job. Also a techy nerd but probably not to your level.

I have been a shopper for just one year. I learned so much from this group and i feel i have been very successful. I have been able to bring in about 1k per month, sometimes much more but this is in my spare time. One kid just graduated college and one just started college so the expenses have been out of control and this income has certainly helped.

Wishing you much success.
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