Hello, I am from New York (Eastern Long Island) and I have dabbled in mystery shopping in the past but did not really delve into it that much. But now, I have one kid graduating college, one kid going away to college, tons of expenses coming up with hotels, travel, gifts, parties and so much more, I was seriously stressing about money. I work full time and its a decent job. My husband closed his business after 30 years and is just starting back in the regular work force so he is not making much money yet. It has just been a struggle.
So I kicked into high gear looking for mystery shopping jobs and I have been doing pretty well. In December I just got my feet wet, trying to figure out what apps I liked the best, which jobs I liked, etc. Now I think I have a bit of a groove going. Hoping to increase my income by about $400 per month which honestly seems pretty doable with the amount of jobs that are out there. I also do online research studies for a little extra or on days I don't have time to go out and do a shop. It is all adding up pretty well so far.
I still have a lot to learn from everyone here but this sure beats taking any retail job and dealing with rude customers. Perfect little side hustle.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/2023 08:12PM by Datagirl.