I've shopped off and on for years, but mostly for the perks and to get out of the house, home based work and all that. Anyway, I started back last summer (2021) after a hiatus of several years. This time, it is closer to a real side hustle, and not so much about the perks (restaurants, retail and hotel side trips). There is no doubt that the industry has changed. I am sure that covid has been part of that. There is more available in my area, but my area has also grown, and that is seen in more shopping opportunities. There is more online and via phone now as well. Volition is where I started, and I used to check back there all the time. I was really sorry to see that it was gone. This forum is now the best place I know of to keep up with what is going on in the MS industry.
How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg?
"Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
-- Abraham Lincoln