Walesmaven definitely offers very sound advice. She's one of several folks to whom I have listed over the last several years, thereby allowing me to meet and exceed my financial goals mystery shopping. Keep in mind that, right now, things are really weird. There are far less mystery shopping than normal and MSC's might be less willing to offer bonuses than normal as everybody is struggling. Under normal circumstances, however:
* $500 in a month is not at all hard IF: You live in an urban area and sign up with LOTS of companies - over 100. It might be tricky your first month as you will be spending a lot of time signing up with companies and establishing rapport with schedulers. There are normally countless $10 and $20 shops available, so picking up one of each every day will put you at over $600 in a month.
* You can increase the value to your bank account by doing shops for services you need anyhow. For instance, if you need your oil changed, a $0 payment with full reimbursement for an oil change is, effectively a $40 (ish) value to you - plus, it's not taxable.
* There are folks who make a living doing this as their only source of income, so there is money to be had. However, it takes time to establish yourself enough to find some more lucrative jobs. Out of the number of folks who mystery shop, only a very small fraction actually do this for a living. Most of us use mystery shopping income to augment what we already make.
* Under normal circumstances, the $500 you are targeting in a month can be made in a single day (though not generally every day) by an experienced shopper. Right now, such numbers are going to be harder to hit - it really depends on where a shopper has contacts, the industries for which the shopper mostly shops, and the region of the country. For instance, nearly all shopping disappeared from my area for about three months. I chose to do very little shopping once it started to open. I've done more this month, so far earning about $700, but I'm really taking it slow and being very choosy about the work I do.
Good luck!
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