This has been a matter of conjecture on this site. You can search the site for earlier discussions. When the California law was passed, there were differences of opinion here as to whether the law applied to mystery shopping. The initial targets appear to be Uber and Lyft, and I suspect that they will end up in court. If the mystery shopping companies feel that mystery shoppers in California are impacted, they will either litigate or comply. And presumably, they will tell the mystery shoppers in California.
So to answer your question, in my opinion, no one knows how or even if California mystery shoppers will be impacted. Some people have very strong opinions on both sides of the question, but, in my opinion, no one can answer with certainty.
@therealisticlady wrote:
Hello. I'm' from California and I just retired for now. I am applying to get back into the mystery shopping field. I do have a question but I am not sure if this is where to post.
Anywho...I live in Cali as I have noted and I know that come this January, independent contractors have to be considered employees. How is that going to affect the mystery shopping companies and how is it going to affect us, contractors? I know there are loopholes but I have not read up on them. Does anyone know the answer?
Shopping Southeast Pennsylvania, Delaware above the canal, and South Jersey since 2008