I am happy that I found my way to you! I've been shopping for awhile now, but still feel so new. At first I was overwhelmed by the sheer volume of companies that provide mystery shopping services. That doesn't begin to capture the initial confusion of applying for jobs and trying to keep track of who is who, when did I apply for that, how do I get back to that job board again, and LORD, I can't read all these emails!
I would be interested in hearing from you all about successful organization techniques, designs/apps/tools for tracking payments, and tips on how to avoid overscheduling. Also, if anyone else out there has physical disabilities, I could use a little help with any tips you might lend about ANYTHING related to that topic!
Thanks for letting me be a part of your community! Mystery Shopping can be a lonely place at times~but I love it, nonetheless!
Peace and so forth,
Theresa R
Aka: BestintheNW